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Meanwhile, Giant Spider

Taka Nuvia


Only found out yesterday that in Neverwinter Nights, mages can learn a spell to transform into several kinds of creatures, including a giant spider. Well guess what's my new favourite spell now. :3


(though, since you can't use any other spells while in spider form, it's more a "last resort"-kind of spell, or for when close combat is inevitable. Still love it, though ^^)


EDIT: Got around to taking a picture, finally. Cleric companion included for completeness/size relation. Linked because I guess not everyone wants to run face-first into a large spider (albeit blocky, CG one :D)


Meanwhile, I managed to chose the companion that looks exactly like my player character (save for the armour/clothing. Robes for female characters can be a bit... err. open. :rolleyes: )


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There dost be a mage who can turn himself into a spider using black magicke?  Verily, I must gaze upon this with mine own eyes.  Fetcheth me images of this Spider-Man!

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There dost be a mage who can turn himself into a spider using black magicke?  Verily, I must gaze upon this with mine own eyes.  Fetcheth me images of this Spider-Man!

The updated blog post might interest you, then :>


Must have worn a cursed necklace. They'd better search the forest for a unicorn or something.

For this obscure reference you score ten (10) awesome points.


(in all seriousness, I had to think of that, too. xD)


Not gonna lie, I was hoping for a picture of a giant spider.



Thankfully there are no real giant spiders where I live. I already dislike normal-sized ones (aka, a few centimetres in each direction.) :)

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