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If you could canonise BIONICLE Elements, what elements would you canonise?


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I think things like Fire and Stone would go well with cannons.  But an Ice cannon would also be interesting, just one blast and you freeze something solid.

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I'd like a technology element. Someone who can control and disable basic machines as well as hack into computers or nonsentient drones or whatever.





I mean


Who wouldn't want to be insane and possibly insane as well

I don't know why you always use insanity as a gimmick and joke. It's really not funny at all.

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I mean


Who wouldn't want to be insane and possibly insane as well

I don't know why you always use insanity as a gimmick and joke. It's really not funny at all.

There's about 20 people who disagree with you, maybe even more


Crystal, as long as you could decanonize Psionics.

What noooo we need psyonics


But crystal is pretty good too





You win

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I mean


Who wouldn't want to be insane and possibly insane as well

I don't know why you always use insanity as a gimmick and joke. It's really not funny at all.


There's about 20 people who disagree with you, maybe even more


Please elaborate. I know there are plenty of people who you consider friends, but I seriously doubt any of them consider mental illness funny.


If agreement is all we're going by, no one appreciates your insanity joke here while five agree that insanity is not funny

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Yeah, I think I'm going to go ahead and lock this entry before it gets out of hand. Let's not provoke each other to get reactions, please??


I don't know what spats you've all had with Ghidora, but please don't bring it into my blog

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