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What are your "Favorites"?



So here's a question, what are your "Favorites"?


Now what I mean by this is that sometimes when you're asked the question, "What is your favorite _____" you can't think of an answer. Maybe you don't have a favorite food or a favorite song for example. But you do know for example what your favorite book or your favorite movie is. So that's my question, what are some things that you know are your favorites.


My favorite toy growing up: LEGO/BIONICLE


My favorite food: Pizza


My favorite TV Show: Avatar the last Airbender



So what are your known favorites?





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Favorite food: Pizza


Favorite toy growing up: Lego in general


Favorite comic book: Transformers: MTMTE


Favorite song: So Long, Astoria


Favorite movie(s): The LOTR trilogy


Favorite book: Lord of the Flies, probably

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Favorite music artist: Sara Bareilles


Favorite anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood


Favorite type of person: kind with a chill and happy personality


Favorite song: Gymnopeide no. 1

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Even among things you like it's hard to choose 'favorites.' What is my favorite movie, for example? Well, sometimes I want to watch one thing. Sometimes I'd rather watch another thing. If I chose to watch one movie over another, it doesn't necessarily mean I like it better. It just means that's what I'm in the mood for.


Someone once said your favorite movie is one you can pop in on a rainy day and thoroughy enjoy it. It's an okay definition, but again, it still depends on mood. So to answer this question, I don't really base it off mood. I have list of five favorite films that are chosen because all had an effect on me. I love all five of them. So while I won't always be in the mood to watch any one of these at a given time, they are all my 'favorites.'


Raiders of the Lost Ark - I am a huge Indiana Jones nut. I love the series, even Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which some people refuse to even acknowledge. Being the first in the series it will naturally have a special place, but it is also the first movie I remember staying up past my parents' bedtime to watch. I felt so cool staying up late to watch it. And I had a rollicking good time doing so. The truck chase thrilled me to no end, and always does so every time I watch it again.


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - I credit this as the movie that got me into movies. I credit it as the movie that got me into film scores. It was the gateway movie, so to speak. I loved its slow pace, lengthy run time, and the fact that it was a character study. It set the bar for what I look for in a great, attention grabbing movie.


Lawrence of Arabia - I've seen long films before, but unless I'm mistaken this was my first real foray into what I can only describe as the 'historical epic' films. It's amazing how the film covers such a large scope yet it still manges to tell such an intimate story of the central character. This is also the quintessential 'falling from grace' story, in my opinion, which is a storytelling archetype I particularly enjoy.


Once Upon a Time in the West - If Assassination was my gateway to film and music, this was my gateway to westerns and Ennio Morricone. It's not the first film I've seen of either (The Dollars Trilogy was), but I found it to be the most memorable of their work. It set the standard from which I judge most of the westerns I watch.


Tangled - There was a time in my life when I thought I was too cool for animation, around high school, not surprisingly. In my first year of college, though, Princess and the Frog came out. It grabbed my attention with its obvious throwback to the more enjoyable Disney films of old, and it got Disney back on my radard. When Tangled came out, Disney shot to the top of my interest list, and from that day forward one of my main interests in film has been animation, with a strong focus on Disney. The film is funny, charming, romantic, swashbuckling, it's everything I want in a Disney movie. If there's one movie I can pop in and watch at any point, it's this one. I've seen it countless, countless times since release, and it never gets any less enjoyable or emotional.


Are these the only five movies I love? No. Heck no. There are lots, but if I have to narrow it down, these are the movies had the biggest effect on me.


I am also a big fan of chocolate. That is my favorite food.

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Hahaha. Nice try, Soran, but you're not getting the answers to my security questions.



- :burnmad:



Oh darn. I was just about to ask what your mother's maiden name was. Foiled again.



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:kaukau: Here we go...


Favorite movie: Schindler's List

Favorite animated movie: Fantasia

Favorite song: "American Pie"

Favorite composition: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor

Favorite singer: Billy Joel

Favorite band: Simon and Garfunkel

Favorite language: German

Favorite athlete: Michael Phelps

Favorite sport: swimming (specifically the 200m Breastroke)

Favorite superhero: Superman

Favorite graphic novel: Kingdom Come

Favorite color: silver

Favorite dog breed: Irish Wolfhound

Favorite meme: McKayla Maroney is not impressed

Favorite drink: chocolate milk

Favorite president: Grover Cleveland

Favorite composer: John Williams

Favorite movie music: Star Wars

Favorite Star Wars character: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Favorite emoji: the Kaukau


P.S. My mother's maiden name is Bukowski.



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Favorite book: The Complete Collection Of Sherlock Holmes (I guess it counts as a ton of books but whatever)

Favorite video game company: Nintendo (well, duh)

Favorite Bionicle: Botar (A very hard choice, but unbeatable. Fenrakk came very close, but nothing beats the bat-eared titan)

Favorite Bionicle mask: Akaku (LOOK AT MY AVATAR)

Favorite Bionicle piece: That One Hand Connector Thingy (Best part ever)

Favorite Lego minifigure: Umm I dunno (I really don't)

Favorite Lego movie: The Lego Movie (Because the two or three other ones they made were lame)

Favorite Lego color: Dark Pink (Amassing my collection to build something monstrous, mwehehe)

Favorite Bionicle MOC I have made this month: Mr. Happy (Perhaps he will one day grace the forums with his presence)

Favorite colour: Rainbow (Get rekt)

Favorite American president: Abraham Lincoln (Duh)

Favorite vampire hunter: Abraham Lincoln Simon Belmont (Lol)

Favorite Lego MOC I have made this month: GLaDOS' Chamber (I don't build much system tbh)


Oh, and my mother was never a maiden, so hah

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Favorite Lego movie: The Lego Movie (Because the two or three other ones they made were lame)

Clutch Powers was a cinematic masterpiece

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Favorite Lego movie: The Lego Movie (Because the two or three other ones they made were lame)

Clutch Powers was a cinematic masterpiece


Clutch Powers was cinematic trash.

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Favorite Lego movie: The Lego Movie (Because the two or three other ones they made were lame)

Clutch Powers was a cinematic masterpiece


Clutch Powers was cinematic trash.


Clutch Powers was a cinematic okay.

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Favorite Lego movie: The Lego Movie (Because the two or three other ones they made were lame)

Clutch Powers was a cinematic masterpiece


Clutch Powers was cinematic trash.


Clutch Powers was a cinematic okay.


:kaukau: Clutch Powers was cinematic obscurity.



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