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Of Job Apps and Monochromatic Feeling

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, I've heard back from my summer job and they are interested in having me back for summer 2017. That's all well and good, but honestly I'm a bit nervous about a few things. If I go it means I'd have to bring a laptop so I could job hunt properly. Also if I'm applying there would be virtually no way for me to receive phone calls as there is no cell service. I'm hesitant to bring anything that valuable as the security up there is pretty bad. Plus I'd be sharing a room again with two strangers. My laptop is new and cost me several dollars. I kinda don't want it stolen.


There are a couple of other jobs I've applied to as well. It would mean I'd move out of my parent's house (Thank freaking Smooze) and I'd be living with an awesome friend of mine (which would be a much welcome change of pace). Ideally I would be working at a bakery (which are the jobs I've applied to) and everything in that area is walkable so I wouldn't have to worry about not having a car.


Honestly I'm hoping for the latter of two scenarios to play out.


Honestly I've been stressing out a lot about the future as of late, and I think my seasonal depression is kicking in which is just lovely (and by lovely I actually mean it is terrible and I hate having to live with it). Still, there hasn't been anything alarming as far as my depression goes since the start of the year, so it's manageable at least.


Still, the worst case scenario right now is that I take a summer job instead of something full time, so life could totally be worse right now.


Stay Swaggin'


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Could a laptop lock work? Tie it to the bed or something and hope your roommates aren't sociopaths. Or just stay awake all summer -- I guarantee your current problems will no longer be your greatest concern.

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You know, i'm typically one to advise the more secure route, aka the job you know you have, but in this case I really wish you the best of luck with the bakery route, as it sounds like the one you will be most happiest with. And a happy tekulo is a productive tekulo.

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Eyyy, listen up yo, ain’t no WAY that mutha Future keepin down someone wit so much SWAG, amirite brorange juice?


(I have no idea what any of those words mean but I believe in you and you’re awesome so rock on and stuff)

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I'm hoping for the best, and am here (and other places) if you need to vent or express goofballery. I know how hard it is to find a job, and I wish you the best of luck, k?


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