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BZPBM: Help Me Name Some Things

So, because it's a bit ridiculous, I'd like you BZPBM players to help me name the following:

  • The Name of Tesara's Pro-Skrall Village
  • The Name of Tesara's Anti-Skrall Village
  • Specifics of the Revenant Great Being - name, gender, tribe.

I am not good with names, and it's getting ridiculous referring to 'Tesara's Pro Skrall Village'. I know I could do this myself, but then you'd end up with names like 'Smolda' and 'Chlora'. As in smouldering and chlorophyll. As for the Revenant Great Being, I was planning to have players name them in the time between Episode Three and Four, but never acted on it. So I'm acting on it now.

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Pro-Skall Village: Dastur

Anti-Skrall Village: Musgat


Great Being

Name: Ikihel

Gender: Male

Tribe: Maybe Iron to throw a twist?

Toru Nui


Pro-Skrall Village: Tesarus

Anti-Skrall Village: Tesarix



Name: Ekimu (Because references to other universes are always appreciated)

Gender: Male

Tribe: Weren't the Great Beings their own tribe that was never named?

Cu Chulainn Caster


Since I am a Tesaran, my say in the names of our villages should be automatically favored over the suggestions of these outlanders.

Pro-Skrall Village: Taesa

Anti-Skrall Village: Aerand


Revenant Great Being

Name: Hanitte

Gender: Female

Tribe: Fire



Pro Skrall: Kollami



Anti Skrall: Silseii



RGB: Rock, Female, Dufkil



Pro Skrall Village: Petram

Anti Skrall Village: Silvana


Great Being

Name: Ionia

Gender: Female

Tribe: Iron

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Secondng Toru's idea for the villages. I like it; it's kinda like the split from Crustall to Crustallum/Crustallus in BZPGOT.


As for Great Being...


Name: Reina

Gender: Female

Tribe: Iron

The Hip Historian Iaredios


Tesara twin-villages - Tesse (Tess-say) and Arrah (ahr-rah).


Great Being: Tahedin. Male. Colors being mostly gold with turquoise trimming and wears a mask with the same colors (gold and turqoise lines).


I always saw the Great Beings as being of there own group of ancient agori before their divination (which in A Rude Awakening I named them the Larfeia, the masked ones), so I am against assigning them a skrall river elemental tribal affiliation.

Toa Smoke Monster


Pro Skrall: Briar


Anti Skrall: Bramble


Great Being:


Gender: Female

Tribe: Iron


As for the name, I was thinking that it would be cool if maybe she didn't reveal her name to the players or characters. She could either have forgotten it or she doesn't see anyone on Bara Magna as worthy to learn it. I could see it working, especially if she is the only Great Being in the game. 


But if you really want a name for her, then I have no ideas as of this post. :P



To clarify, there is at least one Great Being from each tribe barring Earth, and elemental tribes are pre-shattering, not post-shattering else the Core War would've happened very differently. 

The Hip Historian Iaredios


To clarify, there is at least one Great Being from each tribe barring Earth, and elemental tribes are pre-shattering, not post-shattering else the Core War would've happened very differently. 

Your game and lore dude, I just saw things differently that's all.


Allow me to explain my head-canon-rooted answer: the Great Beings emerged long before they divided the world into like-cultures under the Element Lords (as prescribed by the Great Beings) and the birth of the modern elemental groups comes from the ancient reign of these physical god-kings; later the core war would erupt and rage for centuries, destroying the planet bit by bit until KABLOOIE! (The Iron Tribe was a group that came from the Iron Hills of Bota Magna and were later dubbed as such (or Iron People) after rise of the element lords because the denizens of the lower Skrall River region was accustomed to dividing people into tribal affiliations. Other areas probably also use the term 'tribe' or other words for groups)

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