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Mutant Snipes Take Northern Sculpture Fields

The first of a small series of flash fiction to augment my current epic, setting some groundwork for how the Matoran Civil War is going to be portrayed. Not meant to be chronological. Also, a bit of a bother, as these don't merit a short story, don't fit into the review topic, which I'm using as a reference section, and I don't want them interrupting flow in the story topic. So blog it up, right?
Fun and totally legit fact: the newspaper in Po-Metru is called The 'Po-'st. ^_^

Mutant Snipes Take Northern Sculpture Fields
by Reporter Kodan
First spotted by the northern assemblers two months ago, the swarm of giant Sand Snipes has proven impossible to dislodge from the northern sculpture fields. The sculptures that remain have been assessed by the Committee of Master Carvers and deemed irreparable.
“It was horrible. If you thought Sand Snipes were bad before, imagine them fifty times bigger - the size of a Dikapi! And dozens of them! The biggest sculpture - they leveled it in less than an hour!” says carver apprentice Hafu, an eyewitness from the northern assembler’s village. Hafu is lucky to have escaped the fields unharmed, after the swarm moved in from the southwest in the middle of the carvers’ workday. Not every carver working that day can say the same. “In the end, it was either the assemblers or their sculptures,” Hafu tells our reporter sadly. Evacuation of the entire northern assembler's village is currently underway, with hopes of completing the evacuation before the mutant Snipe swarm can turn on it. 
The unnatural Snipe swarm is suspected to have powers related to fragmentation or disintegration, but they unfortunately leave too little behind to say for sure. The few Archivists who will still cooperate with our reporters have identified Kraata remains among the wreckage, as well. 
It’s not been an easy two months, but the Carver Committee is working with other assemblers villages to accommodate the displaced northern village and their workload. If you or any Po-Matoran you know has space or resources to accommodate our brothers in need, please contact the Committee or the Garrison immediately. Stipends can be negotiated. 
Effective immediately, the northern fields are now a completely restricted zone. Once the assembler’s village is evacuated preventatively, it will also become restricted. 
The Po-Metru Garrison also asks you to report any of the following immediately: suspicious and/or unknown Rahi activity; suspected Ta-Matoran tampering in any establishment, including private residences; shipments with unauthorized receiving and tracking codes, even and especially internal shipments. 
The Garrison Matoran also continue to ask you to keep a lookout for any of the Matoran listed below, or report any news on their possible whereabouts. 
Mata Nui be with us all. 
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On 2/3/2023 at 1:11 PM, confused piraka said:

I love stuff like this

Thank you! Haha, I do plan to get back to finishing the entire story when life calms down eventually (hopefully?). Knowing that people are still finding the content interesting and ideally, entertaining, is really nice to know and good motivation to pick it back up :)

confused piraka


It's just great when there extra content take you into the story

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