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End of an Era



A week ago I lost my baby, Bob. Unfortunately he got very sick, and it continued to get worse no matter what anyone did for him. I'm not going to get into detail to keep this SFBZP, but it got to the point that we needed to do what was best for him.

When I was four or five, there was a farm on the field across from my house. I used to go up to the fence and wait for the cats to come over so I could play with them. They had an orange one that happened to be my favorite. Since then, I had always wanted an orange kitty. Bob ended up being my first orange cat many, many years later. His mom was somewhat feral, but decided to have kittens under our shed. From day one, Bob was the sweetest, wackiest of the litter. He always loved attention and was a friend to all. Nothing shook him, for better or worse lol.

Rest easy big guy. I'll love you and miss you forever.



In other news, can you believe it's already June? Time truly waits for no man.

Edited by Bambi
this website is broken

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Aww, what a handsome boy. It sounds like you have him a wonderful life full of love from day 1,  I'm sure he couldn't have asked for more. Sorry for your loss!

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I know how hard this must be; cats truly can be such dear friends. 🫂

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Mushy the Mushroom


His story is so sweet, I am so sorry. :( Sending thoughts and prayers. 


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