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Spoony Bard


As you guys can see, I was pranked, along with Kohaku, Shine, and KIE.


See, I really don't like Macs. In all honesty, I hate them and I think they suck.




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Omi, I totally agree with you in every way concerning Macs.


Except the only thing they are good for is video. That's about it.



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I would have thought you were serious. Most people I know hate Windows with a passion.


I actually like Windows. I know Macs have better graphics and whatnot, but I'm satisfied with what I get from Windows, which is what I'm most used to.


- :vahi:

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IPB Image


Macs are awesome, they would be perfect though if they just had support for some games.


But they still rule.

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Except the only thing they are good for is video. That's about it.

That I will have to agree with. I did enjoy using Final Cut Pro back in school. Sadly it is only for macs. :P



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Macs aren't fun. Maybe it's great for single media use, but not really for a personal computer.


And using a hard disk between both OSs.... an absolute pain.



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Guest Phyoohrii


Windows may have its flaws, but Macs are still worse.

I knew something was wrong around here...


IPB Image

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IPB Image


Macs are awesome, they would be perfect though if they just had support for some games.


But they still rule.

Quoted for truth.

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You know... to any and everyone who loves Windows and hates Macs (I'm the opposite), you would love Macs if you had used them all your life as a personal computer. Macs are in general regarded as better for graphic design, and they have the wonderful little option key, but beyond that it's really personal preference – which in this case often stems from what you're used to. ;)


And games, products, et cetera are available for Windows more often than Macs simply because more people use Windows than Macs... Which annoys me but is not illogical.

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IPB Image


Macs are awesome, they would be perfect though if they just had support for some games.


But they still rule.

Quoted for truth.


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IPB Image


Macs are awesome, they would be perfect though if they just had support for some games.


But they still rule.

Quoted for truth.


Quoted for truth. :P



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Hey look, the Windows lovers stole a Mac fan's line. Not the first time Windows has stolen something from Mac. ;)

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Hey look, the Windows lovers stole a Mac fan's line. Not the first time Windows has stolen something from Mac. ;)

However was originally used by a Windows fan, thus being used by many, so in a sense, I am just reusing the line and the Mac users are stealing.



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Hey look, the Windows lovers stole a Mac fan's line. Not the first time Windows has stolen something from Mac. ;)


Hey look, uh, Macs suck


*is not good at retorts*

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I still do not understand what the purpose in an "OS war" is. Both Windows and Mac function well. There are benefits and shortcomings to all operating systems and the machines that run them. We should all respect the choices of others while remaining content with our own.

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Hey look, the Windows lovers stole a Mac fan's line. Not the first time Windows has stolen something from Mac. ;)

Quoted for truth. :P

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For thopse who saw the article on GameInvasion...Jobs and Gates shared the Stage the other day.. AND THE WORLD STILL ROATES. =O


*gets quotes from article*


Gates, Jobs Share Stage - Earth Continues to Rotate


By: Elliot Spagat


For: Associated Press


Legendary technology rivals Bill Gates and Steve Jobs made a rare joint appearance Wednesday and wasted no time making nice.


"Bill built the first software company in the industry," said Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc. "Bill focused on software before anyone."


Gates, the Microsoft Corp. co-founder, hailed Jobs for taking big risks and developing products with "incredible taste and elegance."


"What Steve has done is quite phenomenal," Gates said.


That set the tone for a 90-minute chat in which the two computer industry icons fielded questions from Wall Street Journal columnist Walt Mossberg and technology reporter Kara Swisher at the newspaper's "D: All Things Digital" conference.


Jobs and Gates reminisced about early days working together in the 1970s, interspersing their views on the current state of technology.


When Swisher asked for the greatest misunderstanding about their relationship, Jobs joked: "We've kept our marriage secret for over a decade now."


Gates added: "Neither of us have anything to complain about, in general. It's been fun to work together."


The two briefly discussed the 2008 elections. Gates said candidates should be measured on their ideas for improving education.


Gates and his wife, Melinda, created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000, which is now the world's largest philanthropic foundation. The foundation gives a majority of its grants in the areas of world health, global development and education.


Although the two companies worked together in the 1970s - Microsoft even invested in a struggling Apple in 1997 - they have remained fierce rivals.


Gates dropped out of Harvard University in 1975 to found Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen and turned the company into the world's largest maker of computer software.


Jobs and friend Steve Wozniak founded Apple in 1976, five years before IBM Corp. jumped into the personal computer market. Jobs left Apple in 1985 following a struggle with the company's board but made a triumphant return in 1997 when Apple was struggling to survive.


Jobs is widely credited for Apple's renaissance with a string of innovative products - the iMac computer for consumers, the powerful PowerMac and PowerBook, and more recently, the iPod digital music player.


Microsoft has long dominated with its Windows operating system and software programs like Word and Excel, but Apple scored big with its iPod, introduced in 2001, and its iTunes online music store. Next month, Apple introduces its much-anticipated iPhone mobile handset.


Microsoft released the Zune music player in November to compete with iPod.


An audience member later asked the two men what they learned from each other.


"The way he does things is just different. It's magical," Gates said.


Jobs said he admired Microsoft's ability to collaborate with other technology companies.


"They learned how to partner with people really well, and I think if Apple could have had a little more of that in its DNA, it would have served it extremely well," he said.


Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.

...Ok maybe just not a quote..maybe The whole article itself...:P
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