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Philosophical Questions Revisited

Doctor Norik


I thought that it was time for more :P. They're quite random today.


- Is up down?


- Can computers be emo?


- Is the universe expanding?


- If so, why?


- If why, how?


- If how, who?


- Doctor Who?


- Doctor What?


- Doctor How?


- How is Doctor Who?


- Are Daleks real?


- Is Matt Groening a robot?


- Is Matt Groening an Alien?


- Alien probe?


- Alien Robot?


- Space Pirate?


- And now, perhaps the greatest question of them all: SHOULD I RENEW MY PREMIER MEMBERSHIP???





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If a box is on two other boxes, the middle box is up relative to the bottom box and down relative to the top box. Therefore, up can be down.


Computers cannot be emo.


According to some findings, the universe could very well be expanding. It could be expanding because of it's emerging from a white hole (a gravitational high point as opposed to a low point like a black hole), which one theory (it's a work in progress, not yet fully developed or critiqued) in creationism says. Atheists and them say the universe is expanding because the universe blew up in an a'splosion and...yeah. In both cases, the stuff coming out (or blowing up) is still moving away from the original point. As for Who, it's God in one theory, and random freakin' chance in the other.


No, not Doctor Who, What or How. Doctor Who is fine, though.


All the rest are no, except for the last.


Actually, I would say no to the last, but then I'd get shot by everyone else. >.<

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Ummmmmmm... well for the last one I'd say yes. I know a lot of people who would really be dissapointd to see this blog die.

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- Only if left is right.


- Only if they want to be.


- Yes


- Because


- The space-time paradox, of course!


- Eric Idle


- Yes


- No


- Maybe


- Fine. You?


- Only in Iceland


- Yes


- Yes


- Yes


- Yes


- Yes


- Maybe

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