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An Interesting Turn Of Events

Spoony Bard


So a few entries back I wrote about my girlfriend (now ex), who left me for some dude, and didn't bother telling me until like 4 weeks laters.


Well it turns out the dude is no longer interested in her, putting her in the same boat I was in (I left the boat, cuz I rather be a drifter).


So as cold as it may sound, I find this to be very ironic, and a little funny. Nah scratch that, I find it to be hilarious.


This is what happens when you choose Door #2. You get crud for prizes.




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Never let anyone tell you that vengeance never helps -- it makes you feel better (even if said vengeance is unintentional).


'Course, only if you keep vengeance limited. Don't go killing someone, please. :P

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I guess it's good for you, but you really shouldn't be mad at her. I can understand you being mad that she left you and then didn't tell you for a month, but still, you should be there for her and still be her friend. I don't like revenge, and I'm a guy.




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Revenge is sweet.......

And I didn't do a thing. :D



Best revenge there is.


The kind where it just happens.

Ah, but it's better than revenge. It's irony. Revenge implies you had a hand in the events, at which time you'd feel at least a hint of guilt. With irony, you get to enjoy the results without any of that nasty guilt.

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I guess it's good for you, but you really shouldn't be mad at her. I can understand you being mad that she left you and then didn't tell you for a month, but still, you should be there for her and still be her friend. I don't like revenge, and I'm a guy.



Omi doesn't give third chances to girls. I comforted once, I comforted her twice. Game over. No more.



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I have to agree with Omi. Everybody has their limits, if somebody betrayed me like that, she would probably be on my list of "Dead to me".

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I have to agree with Omi. Everybody has their limits, if somebody betrayed me like that, she would probably be on my list of "Dead to me".

In sense.


I occasionally do the forgive and forget, but not when things go this far with one person. :P



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