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Linkin Park's New Cd

Spoony Bard


So I got my hands on LP's new album Minutes to Midnight.


And I must say this album sucks. It is utter trash. Sound was horrible and the vocals was horrendous.


Now I am not flaming here. I have been a fan of LP since they were Hybrid Theory. I found their music to be inspirational. When they became Linkin Park and released Hybrid Theory (the cd), I enjoyed it much.


Reanimation wasn't too bad. I enjoyed a few remixes on there. I also loved their collaberation with X-Ecutioners.


Meteora was a great comeback album with more excellent tracks.


The whole Jay Z thing was, meh, but I liked one track :P


Minutes to Midnight was nothing like Linkin Park was. I could not get the feeling.


The only highlight of the album was when I put it back in its case.





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Indeed. I didn't even buy it but the 30 second preview of What I've Done sounds horrible, insanely mellow and mainstream, and I would even go as far to say kinda corny.


I'll stick with Hybrid Theory and Meteora.



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I don't know why, but I never seemed to get into Linkin Park. I'm sorry about the disappointment, though. Maybe next cd? :P
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Eh, it happens with every band. Keep their style the same, to many people get tired of it and call them unoriginal. Change their style every once and while to show they can do other things outside of their assumed "norm" and a lot of people call them uninspired/awful.


That being said, the mellow tracks really don't do much for me, Bleed it Out manages to get my blood pumping when I'm at the gym, and No More Sorrow ain't bad either. The Little Things Give You Away, while one of the mellow tracks is pretty inspiring to me, considering I knew a couple people who were caught up in the madness of the hurricanes.


And I'll say it again, QWERTY definately should've been on the album.


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I actually loved that CD. With the exception of Shadow of the Day. I hated that track. No More Sorrow is ownage, IMO.



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