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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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What!? I finally finish disassembling the peach base and collapse in an exhausted heap, then wake up amidst watermelons and cherries to find a completely new, intact and majorly improved replacement base!?


*Board ship.* Lemon balms, away! No, wait, that's an herb, not a fruit... oh well, it already exploded. Sorry, Cthulhu...


Captain SZ has yet to return, but we shall hold down the ship for him, won't we, mates?






*Sings.* I truly am, indeed, alone again, naturally...



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*Blocks Turakii's Bannana Katana with a Bannana Schimitar and uses a powerful uppercut*



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I'm on Turaki's ship Blaze! are you trying to perform another mutiny?


*sneaks down to the cannons and starts targeting them at the closeteers bunker*



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Aanchir, Secret Weapon III must be nearly powered up by now...I have our target in sight. Shout when it's ready.


*Throws Lemon Knives at Yami*



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*Blocks Turakii's Bannana Katana with a Bannana Schimitar and uses a powerful uppercut*



Did you even read my post!?!

*Eats lemon knifes and chokes*


~Kongu Inika

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...*glances around* The pages have QUARDROUPLED since I left... XD.


Wot'd I miss?


*gets smacked in the back of a head with a gourd*



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*breaks out again*

Nop. I'm not.

*blasts CtD and frankin-kal with energized lemons*


All your lemons are belong to us!!! :angry:


*Panics at the number of posts in such a small space of time, and throws a lemon (from the lemon club ammo dump) at the screen.*

Are you on our side, or just stealing our stuff?






Lemon Warriors, ATTACK!




And what about YOU? It's getting hard to keep track!


Aanchir, Secret Weapon III must be nearly powered up by now...I have our target in sight. Shout when it's ready.


*Throws Lemon Knives at Yami*




Sorry, I was asleep. Why didn't you set off the Lemon Alarm?


Anywho, the secret weapon is nearly charged. Any second now...


:begging: Hope it lives up to expectations. If not, we've still got I and II to fall back on.


- :vahi:

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Well, TMD, the Pirates have been raiding and their ship was sunk so they disassembled the Peach Asploders' base to build a new U.S.S. Peachy Fruit Loop, but the Peach Asploders built a new and improved base, and a lot of people got hit with fruit.




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Oh, don't forget to drop the shield before we resume fire.


EDIT: Never mind, it seems I'm the only LCer here. The secret weapon will have to wait until Seran gets back.


- :vahi:

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