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Data Blog Entry. Get It? Data Blog!

Toa Achilles (Tums)


The Good Ship Shipplygood has crash-landed on an abandoned planet, without any hope of repair. The atmoshpere smells faintly of cheese, and there seems to be no animal life whatsoever. Only six, including me, survived the crash. This is weird, because there used to be only five. Maybe I miscounted. We're going to have to embark on a pointless and dangerous journey in a random direction and hope we run into some semi-intelligent locals. Stick together crew, watch where you step, and although the trees may look good do not eat them.




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Data Blog Entry. Get It? Data Blog!

AAAHHHAAAA!!! *rolling on the floor laughing*


The Good Ship Shipplygood has crash-landed on an abandoned planet, without any hope of repair.

Well, that certainly puts an end to our vacation.


The atmoshpere smells faintly of cheese, and there seems to be no animal life whatsoever.

*ponders* Let's see... cheese = milk = cows.... but planet = no animal life hence no cows... *shivers* which can only mean that the planet is... HAUNTED BY GHOST COWS!! AAAAHHH!!


Only six, including me, survived the crash. This is weird, because there used to be only five. Maybe I miscounted.

*gasp!* A stowaway! We have a stowaway among us!


We're going to have to embark on a pointless and dangerous journey in a random direction and hope we run into some semi-intelligent locals.

If our ship is damaged beyond repair, hence cutting off all hope of getting off the planet, than I wouldn't call the journey "pointless".


Stick together crew, watch where you step, and although the trees may look good do not eat them.

But I like broccoli! *sees a tree snatch up the stowaway* Than again, I never liked it without Frence Onion Dip! *scoots closer to group*



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If you found that funny... maybe I'm losing my sense of humor.


That statement doesn't make any sense... What your saying is, if I found that funny, you're losing your sense of humor?


Hey, wait, the planet IS cheese. Simple enough: We're on the moon!

Great :lol:! Now we know we're only 24,000 miles away from home!


Gee, I just noticed I wrapped "like" in a quote box instead of italicizing it! Better fix that...



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Uh, the action figures from Blog entry two.


Toa Iruini, Hakaan, Velika, Nokama Hordika, and a Rorzahk. Yes, they are only action figures. Not quite the lively crew.



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Oh, so I'm not a part of the crew? Darn. Well, at least I get to sit back and enjoy some nice Tuna Cheesy Pasta while you go on your perilous journey to find moon-aliens. I woulda been a good crew-member, though. I know lots of stuff about the moon (and space in general) 'cause my dad's so crazy about the subject. You get to talking about anything to do with space and he'll end up telling you any number of facts he knows about it.



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Er, sorry.


Have a doughnut? (Deja vu!)

*groan* I would, except I just finished that bowl of Tuna Cheesy Pasta I mentioned, two slices of pizza, and some dessert a friend brought over. As it is, you are pardoned (so long as I get to go next time! :P)



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