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My Favorite Final Fantasy Moment

Spoony Bard


The Final Fantasy series is a plethora of interesting moments and cinematics. I have seen characters fall in love. I have seen characters rival one another. I have seen deaths of characters. I have seen the menacing bad guys and their wicked awesome "entrance" into the games, and also their final sequences. I have seen great endings. I have seen poor endings. I have seen foolish mistakes. I have also seen grammatical errors, that just work.


However my favorite scene/moment ever in Final Fantasy is none of those, and IMO tops.


IPB Image


This would be a screenshot of the battle between Legendary Holy Summon, Alexander, and the King of Dragons, Bahamut, from Final Fantasy IX, Disc 3.


In this FMV scene, Bahamut is summoned to destroy the kingdom of Alexandria. However, Garnet and Eiko summon Alexander to stop Bahamut's attack on the kingdom.


Bahamut uses his Mega Flare attack on Alexander, but fails. Alexander destroys Bahamut with its Holy Judgment.


Because this is my fave scene ever, I usually play the game just to see this scene (although I also have it on DVD as well), but gives me another good reason to play the game.


If you ever wish to see a video of it online, just use the keywords "Final Fantasy IX Alexander".




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I have also seen grammatical errors, that just work.

There is extraordinary irony in the presense of a comma in that sentence. :P

Omi likes to do things like that.



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The big white ones I mean. I'm sure that those are attached to somthing about the size of a human behind that castle.

Nah. Wings aren't on the castle. They are on Alexander. :P


Alexander =/= castle


Castle is right under Alexander.



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That's what I meant. "I'm sure that those are attached to somthing about the size of a human behind that castle."

And I said they are on Alexander, who is not even remotely close to being the size of a human. :P



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That's what I meant. "I'm sure that those are attached to somthing about the size of a human behind that castle."

And I said they are on Alexander, who is not even remotely close to being the size of a human. :P



Oh. Eheh...


I've never played FF before, so you'll have to excuse me...



*Looks at picture closer*


Waitaminute. Hold on. Is the middle shape Alexander?

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Waitaminute. Hold on. Is the middle shape Alexander?

The big, huge, dark gray, castle-looking tank thingy is Alexander.



Sweet Mata Nui. :blink:

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