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Soilers Ending Of Harry Potter Inside!



As Harry and Voldemort stood across from each other, wands pulled out, ready to completely own each other, there was a pop in the other. Both turned counter clockwise 90 degrees. Then Harry turned 180 degrees clockwise.

It appeared that Dobby had gotten into the duel arena, and he had made something pop out of thin air using his elfly magic.

A Mudkip.

"so i heer," Dobby uttered, "tat u guyz liek mudkpiz"

There was a moment of silence. Harry looked at Voldemort. There was a look of utter shock on his face. Then, the Mudkip jumped onto Harry, knocking him over. Harry lost his grip on his wand, and it fell to the floor. The Mudkip retrieved it.

"AVADA KADAVRA NOOBZ," It yelled as it aimed the blast at Harry. Harry fell over.

"Hey! You can't do that! I'm going to report you for pro-"

Dobby was no more.

And then Voldemort made the Mudkip his newest Horcrux and instead of having a snake-like head, he appeared to have the look of a Mudskipper. And everyone lived happily ever after, except Harry, whose scar was now replaced by a Mudkip.


Hmm. I think that'd be a cool ending. :P



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Chapter One


Voldemort detonated an atomic bomb over England, and EVERYBODY DIED.


Oh yeah. Uh, "scar."



Mudkipz FTW!



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