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Why Am I Broke Now, Of All Times?



I went to Wal-Mart.


I ran to the Lego aisle.


I saw Mahri.


And Hydraxon.


And Maxilos & Spinax.


And Deep Sea Patrol.


But I have no money, because I had to use it for food last week.


So I stared at them pretty canister and boxes.


For a while.


And I went home.


And brooded in a corner with my empty wallet.


The end.




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Gragh. That sucks. Well, at least you got to stare at the boxes. :P


You should feel special about that, they aren't even available in Canada yet!

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I hate it when I don't have money for things I want.

I feel your pain Nikira... but at least you got to see them, I haven’t been able to look at all the pretty Bionicle books that I haven’t gotten yet.



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Well, at least you're lucky enough to have it at your Wal-Mart. The Wal-Mart that's closest to me is really big and really new, and I'm not in the middle of nowhere, but this particular Wal-Mart stocks it's shelves with new LEGO sets a month or two after the release date.


It's weird, though. The other products all come in on the exact release date. I even got Pokemon Diamond about 2 days after its release. Just LEGO sets are late. Hmm. I smell conspiracy! *puts on aluminum-foil hat to stop the brain control waves*


Don't worry about me, though. I'm lucky enough to have a birthday in August around the average time of summer set release dates, and a grandma who always buys us LEGO sets. Yay! If that plan doesn't work, there's always Target.


~ :h: :t: (the long commenter)

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Just consider yourself lucky that you don't collect Mezco figures

*thinks of the Attack of the Living Dead series and shudders*


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Maybe I oughta go down to the Times Square TRU...


But then I'm trying to save my money to see how much of Maya I can pay for with this summer program's leftover spending money...


But they probably have so much STUFF there, and the awesome models on display... Empire State building...


But then I'm a cheapskate, heh...


And why am I talking to myself?


Beats me.


Sorry you couldn't get the sets. =(


No you're not.


Yes I am. I so am. Stop talking to me.


That would be kind of hard to arrange.


But anyway you could always go back later, right?


No she couldn't. It's all lost. ALL LOST.


You. Stop talking. Right now.


Make me.


Why the heck did I end up in this schizophrenic post anyway?


Don't ask me. I'm bored. I'm leaving.


Fine! I'm better off without you.




Okay, I have no idea what all of that was about.

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You're lucky that they even have the Mahri. I'd be surprised if stores up here in BC get them before September.


@LygeRayg: Maybe I should make all my posts like that. =D






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.odriew a tahw ... gyL












Yeah, sorry you have no money, Nikira. :( And my Walmart never updates, so at least consider yourself lucky. :P


gyL... gil?

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Doncha just hate it when that happens. ._.


T'is the curse of students. We're always broke right when all the juicy stuff hits the shelves.


You just gotta learn to love saving up.

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Ouch... My dad is coming back from the U.S in 3 days with three Mahri for my little brothers birthday... Ouch...

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That must have really been sad.


And as for me, it's been August for a while now, and Wal*Marts still have insignificant amounts of summer sets. Target was good to me, though.



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