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I’ve done a bunch of things in my history on bzp that can be construed as bad. At the forefront of this was the FSS. Made for BBC 39, initially as a joke, it transformed into a way to show that the voting system was flawed. I was adamant to have the system changed, and I stopped at nothing to have my say, from my stint at the end of BBC 39, to my mass PMing spree the following month. Looking back at the whole charade now, I can hardly believe what I did, but the evidence is there. I can hardly believe I was so arrogant I was in this timeframe. In the past I also had a massive ego, I held the opinion that I was the best at everything, when in reality I’m an excellent builder to some, but I still have more roads to traverse in order to become a better builder. If I was to receive criticism on an moc I would promptly ignore it since my mindset was that I didn’t need to improved. And there’s that arrogance age, I was too prideful to admit that I was flawed. It was this pride that kept pushing me forward with trying to get BBC contests changed, I didn’t want to turn back even knowing that I was doomed to fail. And as I look back now, I realize that I did much, much more harm than good, and for that, I am truly sorry.


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