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Can You Smell The Blogging?



Since the powers that be have deemed me unworthy of mail like any other American should have (my mailbox is locked shut somehow, as if a wee gnome welded it shut and has made its home in it), I had to go down to the post office to pick up my mail, which has accumulated over the days of my thinking 'Wow it is certainly odd that I haven't gotten mail for a week'. After a long wait in line (I now have a beard and a need glasses because of it), and having to deal with getting my mail from what I think was a particularly rude woman, but the mustache and low brow had me confused, I was in a hurry to get home, because I always get super excited about reading mail...


I decided to go the local pharmacy before heading straight back; my mother sent me on errand to get her some medicine since the dentist decided he hated her and ripped her tooth out and then proceeded to bronze it and make it his tiny trophy, adding it to a huge shelf of hard earned teeth. While I'm in the pharmacy I see dozens of Bionicle sets. I don't know how, or why, except that maybe they hid money or jewels in them since they were on a shelf so high that no child could reach. Of course I could reach it though. Low and behold, dozens of Toa Iruini sets. I bought one for myself, and then contemplated the possibilities that a dozen of on-sale Iruinis opened- the first thought that came to mind was buying all of them, and after frantically rushing home, pushing away small children and punting old women out of my way, pouring all the pieces into my bath tub and just bathing on all the plastic, and spend the rest of my vacation in a green and gold plastic jacuzzi. Alas there were no old women in the immediate area to punt, and that was a pivotal component of my plan, so I only bought one Iruini and decided I'd come back for more later, perhaps to sell *cough*


DISCLAIMER- Deaddude does not endorse the punting of the elderly, or for that matter any people, places, or things, or any other nouns. Adjectives are fair game, they get what they deserve.


-DD, having a very pitiful excuse for a bath with only one Iruini set. This isn't even enough to wash your hands with.


Recommended Comments

What about...like...words that could be both adjectives AND nouns? Are you going to punt my orange? ;_;


In all seriousness though, brilliant first blog entry. *thumbs up*


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I agree. Very neatly written, humorous, detailed entry. Fantastic way to start off your blog. I'll be checking this thing often...
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