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Good Morning, Starshine! The Earth Says Hello!

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer




It would be great if my brother were a huge, hulking suit of armor with glowing red eyes and followed me everywhere. Definitely very impressive-looking.


I have a question regarding a movie:


1. In Pirates of the Caribbean 2, why was the monkey still undead?





P.S. Today I seem to be low on blogging ideas. :blink: If you can't think of anything to say to this, it's okay! I can't either!




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To answer your question: If you watched the first PoTC all the way through the credits, you'd find out that the monkey picks up one of those Aztec pieces out of the treasure chest, making him un-dead once again. :D



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How jealous I feel...I wish I could have some undead target to shoot at. :P

Yeah, as Nikira said, there's like an Easter Egg at the end of the credits. Most people haven't seen it, from what I hear.



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In PotC 3, the monkey is at it's funniest. Once it comes out on DVD, I definatly suggest you buy it, or at least rent it.


Oh, BTW, this blog has earned my GOLD seal of approval (much cooler and shinyer than the regular one):



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Good day to you, too, sunshine.




What if my brother was a regenerating pizza? I could eat him if he got on my nerves.

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Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!




I said that right didn't I? :P Hehe, anyway, yeah if you watch PotC I to the end, he steals a coin thing again....wait...you finally saw PotC? Yay fer you!

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Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!




I said that right didn't I? :P Hehe, anyway, yeah if you watch PotC I to the end, he steals a coin thing again....wait...you finally saw PotC? Yay fer you!

Yeah, you said it right. That part literally makes me LOL.


I'd answer you're question, Turakii, but the last eight people got it across, I think.

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Turakii! I thought you were eaten by zombie chinchillas!


About the monkey.... Yeah, I didn't know about that easter-egg. Thanks, everyone.


Chinchillas rule. No questions asked.

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Looks like somebody's been watching "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". :P (That's one of my favorite lines too. ;))


A giant suit of armor as a mother? No thanks, too weird for me. Impressive maybe, but too weird.


I've never seen the second PotC, but that question has already been answered anyway so it doesn't matter. :)


Chinchillas... Yes, quite interesting...

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Destroy the Chinchillas!


Chinchilla Lovers: :angry:




I have never seen the ending of the second or first Pirates movie. Just the third.



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[Zombie]Chinchilas are your Friends... Must Make Chinchilas Implode... Must be a Chinchila... *Implodes*[/Zombie]


So... Zomie Monkeys and Imploding chinchilas. That's... weird. Just like that flying Elephant over there.


The Disousa

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To answer your question: If you watched the first PoTC all the way through the credits, you'd find out that the monkey picks up one of those Aztec pieces out of the treasure chest, making him un-dead once again. :D



Ah, man. That's like...the only EOCEE* I HAVEN'T seen!






*End Of Credits Easter Egg



And I usually watch to the end of the credits, too.

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