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August Update



Just a couple minor things --


1) I start work on BIONICLE Legends #10 this weekend, which will open with the return of Takanuva to the storyline.


2) Watch for Gali Nuva Blog chapter #6, which will feature the return of six heroes long thought gone for good!


3) At the suggestion of a BZPer, I am trying to convince my wife to do the voice of Toa Hahli for an upcoming biocast chapter :)


4) Since I got approval from Kelly to do more biocasts this year, expect the saga of the Staff of Artakha to spill over into the biocast -- also watch the Gali Nuva blog for the appearance of one of next year's new villains!


5) I have another conference call today with the movie people re: the BIONICLE movie. Still very early in the process, but so far things are going smoothly.


6) I have a meeting next week to discuss future plans for the comic and maybe ways we can get it more exposure outside of the Club.


More news as I get it ...




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Yay, that'd be awesome to have your wife doing the voice! And yay for Takanuva, and a new villain! :happydance:

Awesome entry, can't wait. ^_^

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:happydance: All of this sounds amazing! Although the only six heroes that were thought to be gone that I can think of are the Toa Hagah/Rahaga... Wait, when you say they were long thought gone for good, do you mean by us, or by the characters in the story?


And I cannot even express how excited I am that Takanuva's back! :D

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But you forgot one of the most important things... next week you get to meet, for the first time in person, the new BIONICLE.com web guy.


Let me know how that goes for ya. :)


And thank you for continuing the biocasts!

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But you forgot one of the most important things... next week you get to meet, for the first time in person, the new BIONICLE.com web guy.


Let me know how that goes for ya. :)

:o He does? Lucky.




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This is great. I'm so looking forward to everything. Greg, does your wife follow the storyline of Bionicle? And if so, does she know things we don't? Lol.



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A new villian?

6 long-gone heroes?

Your wife as Hahli?

Wow! The blog and biocast are getting much cooler!


And the return of Takanuva sounds great! He's one of my favorite Toa.

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1)Return of Takanuva? Good, we haven't seen much of him.


3)That is a nice idea! ^_^

4)Great! Will he/she be a set next year?

5)Good to hear.

6)This can be interesting.



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1) I start work on BIONICLE Legends #10 this weekend, which will open with the return of Takanuva to the storyline.

Cool, you're pretty far ahead... But of course, you are just starting.


2) Watch for Gali Nuva Blog chapter #6, which will feature the return of six heroes long thought gone for good!

Wow, I can't wait... I'll be thinking hard about this.


3) At the suggestion of a BZPer, I am trying to convince my wife to do the voice of Toa Hahli for an upcoming biocast chapter

Hmm, whoever suggested that must be really smart, and cool, and awesome. Someone like... Me ;)


4) Since I got approval from Kelly to do more biocasts this year, expect the saga of the Staff of Artakha to spill over into the biocast -- also watch the Gali Nuva blog for the appearance of one of next year's new villains!

That will be a great look into next year... Our first actually kind of.


5) I have another conference call today with the movie people re: the BIONICLE movie. Still very early in the process, but so far things are going smoothly.

Good to hear.


6) I have a meeting next week to discuss future plans for the comic and maybe ways we can get it more exposure outside of the Club.

That would be awesome.


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1) Takanuva returns... Interesting...


2) Six heroes that return... Six, they were gone for good... Rahaga?


3) I just can say: Cute.


4) Perfect, more Nuva! What, a next year Villian? Are you going to describe him, or you will already call him by the name?


5) This seems to go perfect. I hope that in 2009 I can see my sets in my TV! :P


6) Exposure outside, like selling them?


Thanks for the information Greg.


:n: :i: :g: :h: :t:

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1. Great, but let's not hope this means Takanuva Nuva.

2. I'm thinking Toa Metru..maybe we'll finally see that venerable sage Turaga Nui?

3. That's nice. Hope she does.

4. Great, I like things to tie into one another.

5/6. Woot, maybe try putting a comic into every other box sent out or something?

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Wow, I don't know where to start. That's awesome news!


1) Glad to hear about Takanuva.

2) 6 heroes thought to be long gone? If you hadn't said heroes I would have guessed Piraka, but now my head is spinning!

3) That'd be awesome to have your wife as a VA (Voice actor). How about you? Jaller, Tahu, Artahka? Hey! you could be the voice of Mata Nui (assuming he's coming up, but that was just a crazy idea and not a theory)

4) I need to look into those Biocasts. What are they? Actual speaking conversations with Bionicle team people?

5&6) Good luck!



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The remaining members of Lhikan's team? :blink: That's the only thing I can think of, but I didn't bother counting stuff. We know where the Rahaga are, so they can't be it. But anything else... Man, tis hard. *bets on it being new characters to us XD*


Thanks for the updates, Greg.

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Wow, I can't wait for Bioniclestory.com to be updated again!




The remaining members of Lhikan's team? :blink: That's the only thing I can think of, but I didn't bother counting stuff. We know where the Rahaga are, so they can't be it. But anything else... Man, tis hard. *bets on it being new characters to us XD*


Thanks for the updates, Greg.


Wow, ET. How do you always think so logicaly? I never would have thought of that! I hope you're right.

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4) I need to look into those Biocasts. What are they? Actual speaking conversations with Bionicle team people?

The Biocasts on www.BIONICLEstory.com are an exclusive story starring Matoro and Maxilos.


As for the six old heroes, I've got my money on the Rahaga.


And yay for Takanuva! I can't wait to see!


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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This is seriously the best news I've heard in months. (probably because of BZP starvation)

honestly, I'm glad to see Takanuva come back, and all that other stuff is great too. I still just can't get over that feeling that all this will be over in December, 2008 and a new story will emerge. that saddens me, but it'll probably be for the best. as for the Toa, I haven't the slightest clue. are you gonna pull something weird, and give us more metru? ^_^



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"6) I have a meeting next week to discuss future plans for the comic and maybe ways we can get it more exposure outside of the Club."


do u mean like making it like a graphic novel sold at chapters or something else.


p.m. me if u answer this

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"6) I have a meeting next week to discuss future plans for the comic and maybe ways we can get it more exposure outside of the Club."


do u mean like making it like a graphic novel sold at chapters or something else.


p.m. me if u answer this

I think he means distrobution of the comics outside of the Lego Mail Club.


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We are looking at a lot of different things we could do with the comic. Graphic novels is one thing, but you have to have a certain number of pages before the book can have a spine, and since our issues are only 12 pages long or so, it takes a long time to get enough pages of new content.


Other things we might think about are inserting the comic in other magazines, doing more giveaways of it, or selling it in stores .. but they are all just ideas right now.


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interesting...especially the part about


2) Watch for Gali Nuva Blog chapter #6, which will feature the return of six heroes long thought gone for good!


i wonder whom these Heroes are, the only team i can think of is the Hagah , but it maybe if these "heroes" arent Toa. But OoMN members or something like that ...i have one Q , Are the Heroes ..Toa ?

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1) SWEET Alright! Takanuva is coming back!


2) :happydance:


3) that is so Cool! I can't wait to hear her


4) :happydance:


5) Yah!!! That means in about 2 years we will have a movie! I would love to voice act for one of the future movies some day


6) Hurray that means I might be able to get a comic!!!!


This is all wonderful news Greg!!! Thanks so much!





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