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Bionicle Legends #10 Sneak Peek



Since you guys have been waiting so patiently for the last book of '07, which is still a ways away, I thought I would give you a little something to tide you over.


This is a fragment of BIONICLE Legends #10, which is going to feature, in addition to 2008 main story, a flashback to the early history of the Toa Mata/Nuva. This section starts with the moment the six of them first woke up on the island of Daxia, long, long ago. (Since this doesn't give away main storyline, I figured it would be okay to share.) Enjoy!



The crimson-armored being opened his eyes and looked around. He did not recognize where he was, nor did he have any idea who the five figures nearby might be. Each of them was lying on a slab, just like him, and each wore colored armor and a mask. But where he was red, they were other hues: white, blue, green, black, and brown.

Of course, it came as no great surprise that he didn’t know who these others were. After all, he wasn’t sure who he was, either.

He started to rise, then found he could not. Thick metal straps encircled him, keeping him pinned to the slab. Unsure of his identity as he was, he still knew that he didn't like being bound. He tried to exert his strength against the bonds, but without success. His frustration and anger grew. And then suddenly the metal of the straps was growing soft, turning to molten liquid, running off him and onto the floor.

Did I do that? he wondered, as he sat up.

On the next slab, the white armored figure had frozen his straps and then shattered them with the merest gesture. The others had all found unique ways to escape their bonds as well.

“Well, we’re all free,” said the red armored being. “Now what? Anyone know where we are … or who we are?”

The answer came then, but not from any of them. Rather, it was a voice that seemed to come from every part of the room that spoke in reply. “You are Toa.”

The figure in the brown armor jumped down from his slab and onto his feet. “Toa! Hey, that’s great. I always wanted to be a Toa.” He looked up and addressed his next words to the ceiling. “Just one question: what’s a Toa?”

“A Toa is a hero,” the voice answered. “Every Toa commands an elemental power, which can be focused through your weapons. Each of you also wears a Great Mask, with a power all its own. You will learn about these powers in time, as well as how to control them.”

The white armored figure frowned. “To whom are we meant to be heroes, and why? You say we have great abilities, but what are we meant to do with them? Too many questions, for my taste …”

The unseen speaker laughed softly. “You underestimate yourself, Kopaka – yes, that is your name. Questions will always whet your appetite for answers. But now it is time for you to meet.”

A lightstone illuminated on the ceiling above Kopaka, as the voice said, “Kopaka, Toa of Ice.”

One by one, the lightstones lit above the others as the speaker recited their names.

“Gali, Toa of Water.”

“Pohatu, Toa of Stone.”

“Onua, Toa of Earth.”

“Lewa, Toa of Air.”

The last to be named was the crimson armored figure. “And Tahu, Toa of Fire. He will be your leader.”

That seemed to startle Kopaka, who said sharply, “It seems to me we should be allowed to choose our own leader.”

“I have to agree,” said Gali quietly. “I mean, none of us know anything about this Tahu. What if he’s too impulsive to be a good leader? What if he lacks the ability to work with his team members, or can’t motivate, or --”

Lewa chuckled. “Or what if he’s just a #####?”

A bolt of flame shot from an irritated Tahu past the Toa of Air, close enough to heat his mask to an uncomfortable temperature. Lewa reached up and yanked the mask off. Immediately, he felt so weak he almost fell over. Pohatu and Onua rushed to support him.

“You must not remove your masks, unless you are replacing one with another,” the voice said. “Without them, your strength is halved.”

Lewa gingerly returned the hot mask to his face. “Thanks … ow! … for telling us.” He turned to glare at Tahu. “And as for you, fireflyer, better be careful a big wind doesn’t blow you out one of these days.”

“Big wind,” Tahu said, nodding. “Yes, that’s you, all right.”

Kopaka decided to ignore the argument. “So we are a team,” he said to their unseen host. “Again, I ask – for what purpose? What are we meant to do?”

A panel slid open in the far wall. Beyond, there was only darkness.

“The gateway to another mystery, perhaps,” said Onua. “I wonder if a Toa’s life is filled with them?”

“Then this will be just the first of many we walk through,” Tahu replied. “Let’s go.”


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When the voice said that taking off the masks would cut their power in half, was this literal or an estimate? If it was literal, then it would give us a sense on how much power they would have without a mask on. If it was an estimate, then perhaps they are only weakened, or are seriously drained of power.


Also, he said that they'd need to take off their mask to change masks, but in Comic 1 and 2, Vol 1, the masks just "merge" with their other one(s) and the Toa can switch masks in a snap. What's up?





With a Suva, their masks can be stored and switched at will. Without a Suva, they'd need to take them off to switch them.



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the sensored word was the {removed so the staff doesn't have to} word.

Not sure whether that counts as dodging the word filter... I advise against it.


Anyway, ummm... no. It wasn't. He's already said that it wasn't an inappropriate or "bad" word, just a slightly offensive one, and anyway, that word wouldn't describe Tahu no matter how little one thought of him.


Why is everyone guessing, anyway? It's not like Greg will be able to tell you what it is, you'll just have to wait until the book is released.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time.

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I'm guessing the censored word was idjit or something similar to it. Anyway, that's a great story. It defines the Toa's personalities immediately after they're awakened.

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That was great. ^_^


Thanks, Greg.


Is there any chance you could reveal who the speaker was? Or is the voice something that isn't of much importance?


Yeah. I'd like to know who that guy was too. Anyway, thanks Mr. Farshtey, that was cool. I'm looking forward to book 10. :) Btw, what was the word with the #s on it? I didn't know BIONICLE people said bad words.

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Wow! That brought back sooooo many memories of ye olden days! (and if you know me, I'm a sucker for nostalgia) Ah... things are how they should be in the Bionicle universe! Thank you so much for letting us read this Greg! I really appreciate it!

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Thanks for the exerpt ^_^. They seem to accept it a little too easily for my liking, but then again, I can't think of any other way to respond, and I'm sure you'll deal with that eventually too.


Also, he said that their elemental powers are focused through their weapons, but that isn't always the case, is it?


Or is it supposed to be that way, and something went wrong with the creation process? XP.

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Thanks for the exerpt ^_^. They seem to accept it a little too easily for my liking, but then again, I can't think of any other way to respond, and I'm sure you'll deal with that eventually too.


Also, he said that their elemental powers are focused through their weapons, but that isn't always the case, is it?


Or is it supposed to be that way, and something went wrong with the creation process? XP.


Focused through their weapons. As in, the weapons allow them to focus their elemental powers; not that they need the weapons to use their elemental powers.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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The figure in the brown armor jumped down from his slab and onto his feet. “Toa! Hey, that’s great. I always wanted to be a Toa.” He looked up and addressed his next words to the ceiling. “Just one question: what’s a Toa?”

Oh, that Pohatu! :lol:


Somebody need to sell these in Denmark! And start to resell the comics too! I really need some familiar reading!

Awesome peice of work you'd shared with us, Greg!




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wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was amazing

yay for lewa the greatest toa ever

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Thanks, GregF! December is a looooooooooooooooooong ways away, so this is AWESOME that anyone reading this blog can get a sneak preview of the book after the next one.


:spinsmile: -Gerlicky :spinsmile:

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Now that was great, the Toa have a lot more character then I remeber them with but that is a good thing awsome writing GregF.



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Wow, that.. was...amazing! I have got to start saving up for that book, forget Rayman games!


Saving up? It's only $5!



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