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Do You Like Polls?

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


This isn't actually a poll for whether or not you like polls; although if you wanted it to be, I'm sure you could, I mean, you members have an awful lot of power over your comments, so if you chose to state "yes," "no," or even "I prefer barber poles," there's nothing even I with my almightily powerful, um, Scanjet 2100C scanner can possibly do to stop you.


The point of this entry (I've really got to work on this "getting to the point" thing) was, I was just wondering whether you voted in the S&T story contest semifinals yet. The contest wasn't mentioned in the September Contests news article, so to make up for it, I'm blogging it in an entry which spends half the time talking about stuff entirely off topic. Speaking of which, Captain Crunch hasn't returned for his rudder yet, so I'm assuming he found a way to steer without it...


There are only four polls, so if you haven't voted and feel the need to make your opinion on stories in particular known, it won't take more than half-an-hour, at most. The thing that takes the longest is reading the stories, and since munkeymunkey wisely set a word limit on all entries, they're all less than six hundred words. Except the ones that are six hundred words. They're not less, they're...


Well, anyways, that's all I was going to say... well, kind of... actually, I was planning on writing the lyrics for Numa Numa in a rainbow font with sparkle and hearts images sprinkled around, but oh well... maybe next time...







Recommended Comments

I haven't voted yet. I may, but I usually don't.

BTW, did you ver get the .GIF versions of your sisters' meepers? Beacuse they're not in the content block. And I sent them.

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I couldn't vote your entry, ort any of the entries not in my poll. For some reason, ever since I voted my entry, Lyi's internet explodes when I enter the polls.


Did you vote my entry? Didja? Didja? Didja?


Though I forgive you if you voted SZ's, it's pretty funny.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Rachira of Time

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