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Rpg Contest Entry Idea

Black Six


So, with the past two RPG contests, a trend has started where members review one another's RPG entries in the official discussion topic. This is great, the feedback goes to improve a lot of entries and results in an overall higher quality of stories for our members to vote on and participate in. On the other hand, it makes the discussion topic very cluttered and makes it hard to see any questions anyone may be asking. So I've been thinking of ways to remedy this; here's what I've come up with so far:

  • Make a third contest topic for Entry Reviews and Feedback. Basically, just take all of the posts in there now and have people make them in a separate topic.
  • Adopt a system similar to the BBC Contests. Members make a topic for their entry, and any and all feedback and reviews can go in there. The member can then post in the entry topic with a link to their entry and it will be added to the list.
I have some reservations with the second idea. Doing this suddenly introduces another 30+ topics into the RPG forum, and might push down the current winners' topics as well as the BZPRPG. In addition some members may not know what's going on and try to join and start playing these entries.


So, as always guys, I'm interested in seeing what you have to think about these ideas, and if you have any solutions of your own, please share them. Also, if you think the system is fine as it is now, say so, maybe it's just me.


Happy RPing!


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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Make a entry topic, a discussion topic where questions can be asked, and a Review topic where ALL reviews go. That would certainly help. :)
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I like the Sub-Forum idea.

It could have the Entry Topic and Discussion Topic.


Then blend this with your second idea B6, where each person entering makes a topic with their entry, where Reviews and questions about it can go.

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I think both would work quite nicely. A separate topic would indeed be useful, and individual topics would be even more so. But as you mentioned, it would indeed clutter up the RPG forum greatly, which I would find unappealing. A sub forum, as Shine so kindly suggested, would work well, but that would depend on your willingness to augment the number of existing forums.


And yes, I just used the word augment.


- Cee

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I myself quite like how it already is. It just seems to work well. However, some may object to that, and that's fine ^^ Really, you should ask the main RPers, as they're the ones really in charge of the forum :P (Other than the great Staffies, of whom do a fantastic effort)

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I think it works well the way it is too, but if you really think it's getting too cluttered, I would make the separate topic for reviews. Having a topic for each entry would be far too much

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I would vouch for either a sub-forum, or a Reviews and Feedback topic. I think the topic would be a bit more feasible and practical, but either would be better then a whole bunch of topics for each RPG entry.

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I agree with The Ploogle. I don't see what is wrong with the current system; reviews contribute most of the posts in the Discussion Topic. Without them, it'd be pretty much dead.


Although I do see your line of thinking. You need a review, you go here. You wanna talk, you go there. Right?



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The second option would certainly clutter the forum. I think the first option would work best, if not Shine's suggestion.
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