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The Gold Key To Nongu Award For Theories




Today marks the third theory to recieve this award, so I thought this would be a good time to post a blog entry about it. The following is what is posted in the topic for any theory that wins this new award:



Disclaimer: The Gold Key to Nongu Award does not certify theory accuracy. The sponsor of the Gold Key to Nongu Award does not neccessarily endorse and/or oppose said theory. The sponsor of the Gold Key to Nongu Award remains ignorant of the exact meaning of the word "Nongu." The originator of the term "Nongu" may or may not be insane. Not available in some domes, void where prohibited.


The Key to Nongu award is something I've been meaning to create in some form for years, as far back as when Ninjo was still active, but I never got around to it. Recently I decided again to make it, but for a while there were no theories that struck me as really qualifying (though I don't catch every theory, to be fair).

However, in the past two weeks S&T has burst to life again, and really right now it feels like just about everything is coming together in theories. They might not end up being right, but they are still great theories (and a few have proven at least partly right!). So they deserve some sort of formal recognition. As such, this award has now been formed, and will be awarded to whomever I see fit in the future as well.

If you haven't already read the topics, check out the blog sidebar list of winners!

Please use comments in this blog entry to nominate theories for this award, post questions, comments, etc. :)
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I have a couple of questions:


A)Can you nominate yoursef?:P

B)Can you nominate closed topics that aren't that old that were presented well?

C)How about A and B together?

D)Why didn't I think of this to be your new entry? :P

Oh and Bones will the next one be a ELS one? Those are awsome!

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Thanks, Night Terror, for that suggestion -- I agree and it's been awarded! ^_^ Congrats, A.


I have a couple of questions:


1)Can you nominate yoursef?:P

2)Can you nominate closed topics that aren't that old that were presented well?

3)How about A and B together?

4)Why didn't I think of this to be your new entry? :P

5)Oh and Bones will the next one be a ELS one? Those are awsome!

I renumbered your questions, cuz "B_)" is the smily B) and I must needs have space after the paren...thesis... thesi? these?. :P


1) You can absolutely nominate yourself. :) As long as you keep in mind there's no guarantee nominations will get the award. The criterion are basically the things in the S&T rules and guidelines pinned topic about theories, so if a topic of your own looks like it fits those guidelines, you probably stand a good chance. ("You" being either "you" or anybody else that would go this route.)


2) I suppose, but if they're closed, it's hard to be sure how to deal with it in terms of awarding -- I'd have to open it, post, then close it and this would be the only place to comment on that. So, you can nominate, but it's going to be harder for that to win.


3) Sure.


4) Good question. :P


5) I've got a couple different things in mind for my next entry. I was thinking about a History of Gimmicks in Bionicle, since there's this misconception that gimmicks started with lightup eyes and the like. Probably either that or ELS. Or something else I haven't planned yet. :P But for the moment the evil homework creepeth so delays shalt chokest the life out of mine blogge. Good thing it's undead...



Parenthesio? ...thesahk? ... thesoid?

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OK Oh and as for the closed topics maybe you could just edit it in the first post instead of reviving? Is so I nominate (myself:P) Staff Of Artahka I'm not trying to be geedy here but I really thought that out well and it also got confirmed 5 minutes in :P Anyway dunno but hopefully.

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A note on The Second Makuta theory that got this award: It violates, from my experience, the Fallacy of Proof From Silence. If I recall from a quote in my logic textbook, it states that even if it is highly likely, no proof can be derived from something like "I can't answer that." Hence why I usually don't make theories based upon that. :P

If you could please explain why he got it? I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I memorized that fallacy pretty well...



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A note on The Second Makuta theory that got this award: It violates, from my experience, the Fallacy of Proof From Silence. If I recall from a quote in my logic textbook, it states that even if it is highly likely, no proof can be derived from something like "I can't answer that." Hence why I usually don't make theories based upon that. :P

If you could please explain why he got it? I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I memorized that fallacy pretty well...



There wasn't silence in that case though. I will agree that is a weak point in the theory; the other reasoning he listed is the main reason why it won. He connected dots in ways nobody else had, and then his questioning of Greg was more of a side feature, albeit one that attracts attention.


However, Greg has been known to have a habit of saying "no" when members' questions are definately a "no", but a lot of times "can't answer it" when they're close or correct. So it's certainly not proof, but it can be taken as evidence. I've argued against topics that rely on this method, because Greg can simply choose not to discuss a particular topic at all if he chooses. However, that was only one part of the theory. And it wasn't silence. :) So still a valid piece of evidence in this case.


Good question, though. One thing you should remember, BTW, is the difference between "proof" and "evidence", at least as defined in S&T. "Proof" is much stronger, but evidence merely means a possible indication, which doesn't "prove" but does give apparent credence to a theory. Proof in S&T is considered reason to call something a "fact", which is much stronger than a theory. Even fallacies can sometimes be evidence in the right context.


For example, Ad Populum is the fallacy that the majority opinion must be right (in essence). If a commercial cites as evidence for its product being good that it is popular, that is not proof that you should buy it. But it can be reason to consider it -- after all, if many people like something, it's statistically more likely that you will too. So that's a case of evidence, but definately not proof. I've mentioned this idea in the Debate guide (orange link in sig in case you haven't read it), where there's at least one more example, I believe.

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Okay; thanks. I'm glad you clairified that for me.



No problemo. You're welcome. :)


If we can nominate yourself, I nominate my new theory about Mata Nui's awakening :)

I'm thinking about it. The one argument against it is... everybody was already saying that. :P But you do have many good quotes, best evidence collecting for it so far (as usual :)). I'm out of time for today. I'll leave you in suspense to see what I decide later. :pirate:

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Please see my post in your topic, Adventurer -- you got it! :) Congrats. And BTW, you're being cited as "er", not "ess". :P


Edit: And I've changed my mind about what my next entry will be. The things I mentioned are still on the to-do list, but I know what the next entry will be. :) Not going to say what, but I will give you a clue. Look at my sig.

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Hey there Bones, Toa of Kenn just posted a wonderful theory in S&T concerning the Mutagen, which I would be pleased to nominate. :)


I'll second that. Verra good theory.

Over and Out

Toa Zaxvo

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