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Alku's Zanpaku-to

Dr. Hidaka


Let me explain,


Zanpaku-to are sentient swords in the anime Bleach.

Each Zanpaku-to has a unique name and power.

But all Zanpaku-to have one universal power: slaying Hollows.


They also have 2 levels of release which, grant the user some of the Zanpaku-to's power. Shikai is the initial release while Bankai is the final release. Bankai usually takes a long time to achieve and only Captain class Shinigami usually have it.


Anyways.......This is what my Zanpaku-to would be......


Name: Alexandros (Greek for "Defender of Man") or Bengonin No Jin (What I think is Japanese for Defender Of Man)

Appearance(Sword): a Rapier with a chain with an Angel Wing at the end.

Appearance(Spirit): A knightly looking soldier.

Element(if any): Holy

Release command: Defend

Intial release: Alexandros turns into a shield with many odd runes on it's surface. Using the command "Purify" will enable the user to fire blasts of energy.

Final release: Alexandros returns to it's sword form. Except now, the blade is reminiscent of an Angel's wing. The command is the same.


Anyone who can guess what inspired this gets some magicite.




Recommended Comments

Final Fantasy. Summon. Alexander.




And here is your magicite *Gives you Alexander's magicite*



Curses. Beatme to it :P

-Defender of man out-

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