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Last Seen: Private

Another month, another entry. This is the entry. :P

Now, normally, the topmost text is an extremely annoying sight to behold when viewing another member's profile. The reason for this is because one usually likes to know where another is and what they've done that day, and (most importantly) whether or not they're online at the given moment. This is especially the case for friends, for they, more than any others, like to know what each other is doing. Kinda prying, but hey, there's friends for ya. :P

I have recently taken up the practice of logging in as anonymous myself, much to the friendly ire of my own BZPals. But does that stop me? Nope. :P It is known as "pulling a Ut" among those of us who know Utopia from both the Wiki and BZP. (Sorry, Ut, wasn- wait, yeah, it was my idea come to think of it. :P )

Anyway, I find it quite fun, actually. With school closing in on all sides and threatening to engulf me, I find it a good idea to go into a hibernation of sorts. I'll be sticking mostly to S&T as far as posts go. And I'll be working on the BS01 too, thus cutting down my BZP time even more. As for Wikipedia... Well, I'll have to go into semi-retirement again. :P

I find that being invisible makes most people avoid PMing me, which is convenient at times. Though I'd rather it not discourage folks, because I enjoy getting PMed, and it's the first thing I look into when I log in. So please, don't let my stealthiness prevent you from PMing me if you have something to bring up. :)

Now to the fun part of it all. I can honestly say that being invisible is incredibly cool. I can sneak around the forums practically unnoticed, popping up once in a while for a post. And I get to view profiles without being detected, too. It truly makes one feel invisible. ^_^ It also drives my friends nuts, as stated above, which I find to be quite amusing. :P

(BTW, sorry for taking so long to post this. I've just been busy.)


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I'll give you one hundred dollars if you become visible, Gravy :P


EDIT: Because of me, your blog is now the number one rated blog :P Thank me!

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I'll give you one hundred dollars if you become visible, Gravy :P


EDIT: Because of me, your blog is now the number one rated blog :P Thank me!

Nope, not happening... And I notice you saw the content block. :P


Er, wow, I never even knew I had any votes. :P Lol, thanks, though I don't think mine deserves it. :P

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Dude you didn;t mention me calling you Grav? :'( :P anyway this took you long enough. Oh and you know what I'm gonna go like this now just so you get annoyed.

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I'm with you on the fact that it's great loggin in as invisible, I'm trying it today, pretty good.

Indeed it is. ^_^


Though doing it too much annoys people, as I have personally discovered. :P

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Give it up, we like to see you o_O

I will, don't worry. I'm just gonna lay low for a little while (at least on BZP). :)


That's because I forgot to go invisible again after I signed in visible so a specific member could see me. Now I'm gonna go invisible.

Dude, BFN was talking to me. :P

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