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Don't Waste Your Life

That Green Gentleman


So, in church today, I learned a good point on life.


Don't waste it ;)


1. Drugs are bad, and only people with problems do them, so you don't do them, drink, smoke. Coffee and stuff like that is bad for your health too.


2. Education is good, no matter how much you hate school. Learn. you won't regret it.


3. Keep your self in good groups of friends, make sure they'll watch your back for you, and keep your morals in high view.


4. Keep clean. Mentally. Physical. And morally. Don't look, think, do, watch, listen, or in anyway get involved in any thing bad. Period.


5. Have standards, don't let people convince you to do anything bad, no matter how small, if it hurts some one, you'll hurt yourself.


6. Have a good image. When people see you for the first time, your image says alot. Don't get tattoos, don't look like those weirdos that bag their shorts, have hugo shirts, look like you care.



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Not all people who have drug problems are bad people.

And a good image is only used to convince people you spend half an hour in front of a mirror before going out in public.

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UK- Most people that do drugs have problems, and I don't spend an half hour in front of the mirror getting ready, more like 10 minutes, and i look like I care.


gwerty- I didn't say that, I was saying its bad for your health ;)

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"Now kids, drugs are bad, and if you do drugs, you're bad too, mmkay?" -Mr. Mackey, South Park



What's wrong with Coffee?

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"Now kids, drugs are bad, and if you do drugs, you're bad too, mmkay?" -Mr. Mackey, South Park



What's wrong with Coffee?


Its just bad for your health, it hurts your liver in like over 10 years, look it up.

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