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The Wedding Party! :o :o :o

Kevin Owens


Hey. This is the after party. Crashers are not allowed. >:o The cake is located to your left, and don't be a pig with it. I want plenty of left overs. We got Mr. Bungle for the music so feel free to bask in his awesomeness. You can put all of your wedding presents on the table over there...



You did bring presents... right?


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^For the Husband^



^For the Wife^


I hope you like them. To open them, click on the one addressed to you. I programmed them myself. ^_^


Does it count as crashing the party if I couldn't attend the wedding because one of my nuclear generators in my workshop exploded, forcing me to start over on the project that is now your presents? :???:

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Hm... lesse, uh... Oh, I know!




Have some Ice Cream cones! =D


*gorges myself with cake*

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It was a role play. A role play of all things. And all this time, I thought that it was real, and political. :annoyed2: I should have known that the leader of the BS01 Wiki would not be the minister of a politically unsure (and thusly BZP rulebreaking) blog entry.


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: The present you get is getting to laugh at my total obliviousness to the situation... <_< :voyanui:

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It was a role play. A role play of all things. And all this time, I thought that it was real, and political. :annoyed2: I should have known that the leader of the BS01 Wiki would not be the minister of a politically unsure (and thusly BZP rulebreaking) blog entry.


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: The present you get is getting to laugh at my total obliviousness to the situation... <_< :voyanui:

Few things,


We never actually made it a secret it wasn't real. We said it ALL OVER THE OTHER BLOG ENTRY it was a joke.


Oh, and I'm not only the leader; I also own it.


Finally, you should also know Dav has been a friend of mine since 2004, I even hired him onto BS01 staff when the short-lived EU stuff was around. Basically he asked me to do it for some laughs. I hope I gave him enough.


Yes, it is funny XD -Swert

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It was a role play. A role play of all things. And all this time, I thought that it was real, and political. :annoyed2: I should have known that the leader of the BS01 Wiki would not be the minister of a politically unsure (and thusly BZP rulebreaking) blog entry.


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: The present you get is getting to laugh at my total obliviousness to the situation... <_< :voyanui:

Few things,


We never actually made it a secret it wasn't real. We said it ALL OVER THE OTHER BLOG ENTRY it was a joke.


Oh, and I'm not only the leader; I also own it.


Finally, you should also know Dav has been a friend of mine since 2004, I even hired him onto BS01 staff when the short-lived EU stuff was around. Basically he asked me to do it for some laughs. I hope I gave him enough.


Yes, it is funny XD -Swert


Maybe YOU weren't trying to keep it a secret but I was!


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It was a role play. A role play of all things. And all this time, I thought that it was real, and political. :annoyed2: I should have known that the leader of the BS01 Wiki would not be the minister of a politically unsure (and thusly BZP rulebreaking) blog entry.


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: The present you get is getting to laugh at my total obliviousness to the situation... <_< :voyanui:

Few things,


We never actually made it a secret it wasn't real. We said it ALL OVER THE OTHER BLOG ENTRY it was a joke.


Oh, and I'm not only the leader; I also own it.


Finally, you should also know Dav has been a friend of mine since 2004, I even hired him onto BS01 staff when the short-lived EU stuff was around. Basically he asked me to do it for some laughs. I hope I gave him enough.


Yes, it is funny XD -Swert


Maybe YOU weren't trying to keep it a secret but I was!

Dangit Swert. Nice way to ruin everything.


Oh and by the way, we're still keeping the presents.


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I want my kitty back then!So I dried my eyes out for nothing?!!!!!!*Chucks grenade at Desu*Eat that,muhahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Necrons:A Soul In The Rough


*Catches grenade and tosses it right back at Necrons*


How about you eat it instead >:0

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