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I Am Leaving Bzpower

Spoony Bard


I can almost count the numbers of how many readers clicked that title. After reading Good Bloggers, an entry about me of course, I decided to write another entry about getting that extra piece of stardom.


I mentioned this before in my Pimp Your Blog entry, but I wanted to say it again. A good way to grab a reader is with that grabber. A grabber means to catch the attention of something. When used in writing papers as such, the grabber is the title of the paper and the first paragraph, more specifically that first sentence. When it comes to blogs, I just need the title, because if you clicked to read this entry, I already gained that view from you (and I assumed you have also read part of the entry).


When you want to grab that read, have a title that will have the person say "this is interesting". Having entry titles with things like "My Life", "Hello", "I Ate Cheese" are really boring. Spice it up a bit with things like "My Depressing State of Adventure", "Greetings For the Umpteenth Time" and "I Starve Myself By Eating Cheese".


As Dane Cook would say, put yourself in danger and the person will start to focus on you instead of something else. When used in this sense, just exaggerate the title. Make your title catchy.




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Heh, I only clicked this 'cuz the "Good Bloggers" entry told me to. No one would care anymore if you left, we all know by experience by now that you'd come back. :P

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