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The Whining And The Whinging

Tufi Piyufi


Hi. I made the BBC Contest #46 prelim polls. I'd like to talk to you for a second.


If it were up to me, there would be a program that could take a posted entry list and turn it into perfectly random polls with but a press of a button. This would be simply marvellous. I even know all the things it would have to do: I'm just not a codemonkey in the least. Until then, it's all gotta be done by hand. And believe me, it's all hands. Copying, cutting, pasting, creating thumbnail URLs... There's not a lot of room for higher thought in there. Just about all the thinking involved is 'wait wait wait the URL didn't copy' or 'no, no, numbers are too close, numbers are too close...'. Coming up with a group of poll names is difficult because I have to switch my brain from repetitive task mode to higher thought mode.


Also, you heard correctly in that last paragraph. Numbers. It's the entry numbers that affect what poll you go in, and nothing more. It's a matter of spacing entries out best as I can get them (though the fact that the entries never divide up evenly always makes for fun at the end of this stage). I remember when polls were 'the first ten entries, then the next ten entries, then the next ten...'. People would purposely avoid entering near entries they feared. This system was changed long before I ever became a host, and if it should ever come to that, I will rise from my grave to kill the host of the future who brings that system back.


I make them as random as a human who wants to get the polls up within the month can make them. And you know what? There's always people who deem them 'rigged'.


Not that the 'r' word itself has come up this contest, mind you, but the accompanying attitudes are still there. 'Random' apparently means 'not sharing a poll with an entry other people might think is better than yours'. Guess what? That mindless program would still wind up creating polls people think are 'rigged'. It doesn't know who's popular or who's really good or what have you. It just sees data.


You know what would be rigging the polls? Arranging them so that no two 'good' (as deemed by the loudest crowd, of course) entries are in the same poll, so that they all go on to the semis. That would be rigging. And, sadly, that seems to be what some would rather have.


Hey, folks? Sometimes life just ain't fair. It's a contest for building with children's toys, for god's sake. Stop acting like I killed your puppy.


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People would purposely avoid entering near entries they feared.


Adressing this issue, a few of us have stumbled onto the new polling system. I fear it will only be a matter of time before people will start catching on and choosing when they want to enter, knowing who they will be placed with in the polling. Granted, not everyone will have the chance to, given the current system, however some will be able to use it to be placed with other MoC's they think could easily be out-voted by their own entry.


I realize there is no easy fix and you do your best to remain fair Tufi, you do a heck of alot for this board, that is plain to see. Some people take their building very seriously though and I can sympathize with those who have had a well done entry ousted in the preliminary or semi final round of voting. I have had it happen to me many times, but as you said, it is just a lego contest. I got over it and moved on. Taking this too seriously takes all the fun out of the contests.


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Stop acting like I killed your puppy.

Good thing I never had one in the first place... :mellow:


I like the current system. The entries are randomised nicely and the poll names are also original.


I would've suggested placing the entries in the polls based on their sizes, but that would only bring a lot of extra work. (Besides, the actual size of the entries would be hard to judge if they were photographed onto a dark background, like mine tend to be.)

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True, true... and hopefuly I'm not one of the "whiners" you're talking about. I was just saying I wish I wasn't with Arpy. The system is flawed, sure, but what can you do about it? And I supose "arranging" the entries would be worser...

Thanks for pointing out these things, it makes me think some.

I was very surprised you got the polls up that fast, actually...

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Look at it this way: If you are going to win, your entry will have to go through the best entries in the contest to be the last one standing: there is no way to back into a victory in this contest.




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People would purposely avoid entering near entries they feared.


Adressing this issue, a few of us have stumbled onto the new polling system. I fear it will only be a matter of time before people will start catching on and choosing when they want to enter, knowing who they will be placed with in the polling. Granted, not everyone will have the chance to, given the current system, however some will be able to use it to be placed with other MoC's they think could easily be out-voted by their own entry.

The system will have changed to a much different beast by #47, thanks to a lovely little link from the spirit-minion. Enjoy the knowledge while it lasts. ;)


True, true... and hopefuly I'm not one of the "whiners" you're talking about. I was just saying I wish I wasn't with Arpy. The system is flawed, sure, but what can you do about it? And I supose "arranging" the entries would be worser...


Thanks for pointing out these things, it makes me think some.


I was very surprised you got the polls up that fast, actually...



Actually, yeah, you were. You took on that tone and everything.


Look at it this way: If you are going to win, your entry will have to go through the best entries in the contest to be the last one standing: there is no way to back into a victory in this contest.




Oh, you're such a radical thinker, Byron. What a crazy idea you have there.

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I think the current system is working fine.

I mean, like Kopaka's Ice Engineering said, if you're entry is good enough to win the contest, it doesn't matter which poll it ends up in.

I won't win this one. That's okay. I'm okay with not winning, I'm just working on my skills so that I can do better and better.

It is just a contest after all.

I think that those who complain just don't realize how much work it takes to do what you do Tufi, and I think you're doing great.:)


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'Random' apparently means 'not sharing a poll with an entry other people might think is better than yours'.


If that's the case, then every single contest I've ever entered with a poll is rigged. Yeah, people should worry more about making their creations quality and not finding a way to enter their MOC in with "weak" MOCs...


BTW, love the poll titles this time around. :D



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Seriously Tufi, you need to look at the other side of these contests. You work for two weeks, you think you make something moderately good, and then you get put with someone that crushes you. It's only natural to feel disapointment.

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Seriously Tufi, you need to look at the other side of these contests. You work for two weeks, you think you make something moderately good, and then you get put with someone that crushes you. It's only natural to feel disapointment.



Look, bub.


Firstly, be aware that Tufi has been on the "other side" of contests.


Secondly, you think she just twiddles her thumbs during the contest weeks? Posts one topic and then watches as everything magically does itself from there? As someone who has hosted contests (contests infinitesimally small in size compared to the BBCCs) on this forum, I can assure you that is not the case. I can guarantee that Tufi does more work running these contests than we do constructing our entries--and the entirety of our constructing work is fun. And we're doing it for ourselves, not entirely for other people. Yes, I used a variation of "entire" in two adjacent clauses; live with it.


Thirdly, I've entered countless BBCC and Art Contests and Cheese knows what else and have never won a thing (unlike, ahem, you, good complaining sir). I can't tell you the number of times I've entered a contest and found myself alongside the eventual winner or an eventual finalist in the very first preliminary poll. But you know what? It's a bloody contest. It's fun. At the end of the day, we all made things we are proud of, we all had the thrill of competition, and we should all be satisfied. What's the point of a contest, if not to have fun?


Cheese people, life's too darned short to be upset about things like that. What's the point of crying and whining and getting all up in arms? All it does is make people angry.


If you want to cry because someone else's MOC is better than yours, suit yourself. When it happens to me, I just smile and look forward to the next contest.

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You still have to admit, losing a poll isn't exciting. I never said anything, anytime complaining about Tufi. EVER. At least, until she got upset about my blog. If anyone is taking these contests too seriously it's her. I'm sorry for causing trouble, I'm just a little upset that Tufi is being so judgemental to people who aren't jumping for joy because they're losing their poll.

The entry I posted in my blog was a harmless thing lamenting the fact that I was stuck in a poll with someone better than me. It was not, in no way, an attack on Tufi, or the polling system. Do I not have any freedom here to speak my thoughts?

Maybe, Tufi, you need to take a break from BBCC hosting. You're getting way too bent out of shape over small things.

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Do I not have any freedom here to speak my thoughts?

Ha! No. Learn it.



Bundalings, this is BZP. There's a lot that goes on here, and most of it is politics, which really means ego. You need to understand that people who complain have a tendency disappear here. Kind of like this post.


So, two choices: shut up and live a quiet life under the government. (BZP) or be loud and then not be...around any more. :)

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It's not worth it dude.


For those of us left. Remember the last loud person that wasn't shut up fast enough? (Mikerahk) Remember my comment on ego? His loudness, although was meant to make BZP better, actually slowed down the rate of change. No joke.


It's an involved story.

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Epena and Bundalings, if you have an issue with things that happen on the site, you can take it up with me or another Admin. We do not make people 'disappear' for 'talking.' Last time I checked, Mikerahk was still a member of BZPower.


As far as changing things go. Some people seem to think that whining and complaining will fix everything, when all it really does is annoy the staff. You want to try to fix things, come up with some ideas and show them to us, we'll be sure to take a look at them and consider their potential merits. Don't believe me? Go back and look at how the Fan-Created Games forum was created this past summer. We listen to calm people who present reasonable arguments. We ban people who spam, flame, and insult us. That seems like it makes sense to me.

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I have no issues with the forum itself, nor the way the contests are structured. The only problem I have here is Tufi's attitude. I say I'm sad that I was put with Arpy in the BBC polls, and Tufi goes off.

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We do not make people 'disappear' for 'talking.' Last time I checked, Mikerahk was still a member of BZPower.
If it is at all appropriate, I 'disappeared' under my own free will since I do not visit this site nearly as much as I used to in times past.


I for one am eager to see the changes that will be brought in for the next BBC contest. However, I must ask, will this contest happen in December or will the change sweep in with the coming of the new year?

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Stop acting like I killed your puppy.



But you did.


And then you served him to us for thanksgiving that year.


We cried for weeks.

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I have no issues with the forum itself, nor the way the contests are structured. The only problem I have here is Tufi's attitude. I say I'm sad that I was put with Arpy in the BBC polls, and Tufi goes off.



Firstly, Tufi didn't "go off." She posted a rational and informative, if understandably stressed, piece in her blog.


Second, don't be so presumptuous as to think this was all about you. You're just one member who complained. I doubt Tufi would have gone through all the trouble to post a blog entry just about your minor complaint.


And think of this: Tufi spends weeks working tirelessly on the BBC Contests. This is in addition to her countless other pressing duties on BZ, and in addition to her busy real life. Frankly, I think we could all be a lot more appreciative of all this stuff she does for us, and I also think she's well-justified in rebuking those who unjustly complain about her contests.



As a final note, I have no idea what the heck Epy is saying, considering this is an open forum where everyone is encouraged to speak his mind and share his opinions. If someone says something hurtful or complains unfairly, the offended party is well within his or her right to chastise the complainer.

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I have to agree. Many people constantly say 'I wish I wasn't with *insert member name here*'s *insert entry name here*.'. Like you said, it's just a contest about who can build the best MOC using pieces from a kid's toy. Of course, it also has a theme. Except for the very first BBC Contest, Free Build. Some people are taking it too seriously. And it gets annoying to hear the same thing over and over again. Whining is not about the contest. And even if you don't win, but was entered, you still know you at least tried.



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I think the next contest needs to be color-coded. All the predominately red entries in one poll, orange in another poll, etc. It could make grouping easier, and rainbows are beautiful. :)


Maybe, Tufi, you need to take a break from BBCC hosting. You're getting way too bent out of shape over small things.

Speak for yourself.

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Just don't ask Florida to look over the polls. :P


I guess I can see where the whiners are coming from - and it's a false argument. Like you said, they're randomized. That, and I'm always amazed at how quickly you get the polls up, really. It's impressive. I can only imagine how much a busy server would make that job even more annoying. Many kudos to you, Tufi.


And, heck, the whole staff at that rate. A lot goes on here to keep BZP running.


But really. Rigging. Come on, people. Grow up. If there are 20 "superior" entries in a contest of 100 entries total, and 10 polls with 10 entries each, you're going to have on average 2 "superior" entries per poll. But wait - this is random chance, isn't it! It's just as possible to have 10 polls with 2 "superior" entries in each, as it is to have 2 polls with all the "superior" entries and 8 polls with the rest of them. Randomness ≠ rigging. Really.



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So you're the one who killed my puppy! :o


Every time someone complains, Mata Nui kills a puppy. :P


By the way, I saw so many good entries overall. Now if the polls were truly rigged, any MOCs deemed "bad" would be cut out of the contests all together.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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