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Master Of The Axe

Black Six


And by 'axe' I of course mean guitar, as any rock fan knows; and by 'guitar' I mean guitar-shaped controller, as anyone who knows me and my complete inability to play any musical instrument can tell you. Anyway, I finally received Guitar Hero III last Wednesday, and have been enjoying it immensely. Having read some things about it previously I started out on Easy so I could get the appropriate Achievements and money from the store (apparently if you beat a song on a higher difficulty you don't get the money for the lower difficulty like you did in GH2). I breezed through that in a night, five-starring everything, with quite a few perfects, no shock there. Next night I started on Medium and was going through with no problems until the first boss battle against Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine. On Easy, you can basically use the attack powers as soon as you get them and be guaranteed a win, but on harder difficulties, it turns out, you need to use some strategy and save them up so you can hit him with a bunch one after another. It took me a couple tries before I figured this out. After that though, it was smooth sailing. Five-starred everything except Barracuda and Raining Blood. Then it was onto Hard. There's something about this difficulty, not the orange button anymore, just the crazy things they do that makes it so much harder. I've been able to pass every song so far until the seventh level, where I've gotten stuck now. One thing I noticed is that compared to GH2, GH3 tends to use long streaks of the same note and lots of three note chords on the harder songs rather than making the movements complex. I find it very frustrating. I've bumped it up to Expert now and am starting on the second level, figuring maybe playing on there will help prepare me for level seven on Hard. Oh yeah, I also went back and five-starred those last two Medium songs.


As far as the music goes, overall I like it, but I think I like GH2's track list better. There are whole sections of GH3's list that just leave me uninspired, although as a change there are no songs I don't like at all (such as Who Was In My Room Last Night? in GH2), just songs that are bland. Although I wish their rendition of The Devil Went Down to Georgia was better, it could use a lot of help. The master tracks are nice though, the real song instead of covers. I wish they could have done this for more bands, especially ones like Cream and The Who.


Overall, I recommend the game if you enjoy rock music and rhythm games, unless you'd rather wait until Rock Band comes out, in which case you may want to save your money.


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Stratocasters are better than Les Pauls. :0

Oh, I don't know. I owned a Stratocaster, and then I won the Les Paul from Free the Band, and I actually like the Les Paul better. Are you referring to their sound or to their look?


Guitar Hero 3 is awesome, but I agree with you that the GH2 songs were better.

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Raining Blood, Cliffs of Dover, and One are nigh impossible on Expert. It took me a few days to get through them on Hard, and the final battle with Lou was not fun at all. I like the songs more on Guitar Hero 3, but I don't like the Guitar Battles and how frustrating they made it. Plus, the achievements suck.
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Really? I thought Cliffs of Dover was easy. I played it on hard on quickplay after I got stuck in career and four-starred it first try. I agree about the frustrating battles though, and the achievements.

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Stratocasters are better than Les Pauls. :0

Oh, I don't know. I owned a Stratocaster, and then I won the Les Paul from Free the Band, and I actually like the Les Paul better. Are you referring to their sound or to their look?


Guitar Hero 3 is awesome, but I agree with you that the GH2 songs were better.

I was mostly joking; I think both are amazing instruments. This is evident from the astronomical number of legendarily McAwesome music made with them. At the end of the day though, if I have to choose one I prefer, it's the stratocaster. I like the biting sound of the strat better than the thicker sound of the les paul. Give me a good, screeching guitar solo by David Gilmour or a soulful Eric Clapton riff (not counting the pre-Derek & the Dominoes era for the purposes of this, of course), oh yeah. :smeag:


Plus, the stratocaster has a lot of tonal variety--the five different pickup settings let you get a bunch of unique sounds out of just one instrument, and further soundplay can be fiddled with using the two tone knobs. It's a pretty versatile guitar, and I like that.


Anyway, when it comes down to it, it's all personal tonal preference. Everyone's different. ^_^

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