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A Note To Those Warning Topics.

Angel Beat


These warning topics are getting out of hand... You guys are actually spamming! :(


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Not jsut that, but there are also warning topics in forums where the offending images weren't posted.


The warnings weren't needed in those forums. xD

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The point of those topics was to get the message across to everyone, no matter what forum they were viewing. Unfortunately, some member got a bit out of hand...
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Haha, yeah...


I think everybody got the point now.


Besides, I believe it's a part of human nature to become curious at the offending pictures when warnings are given, because people would like to know what the fuss is all about..

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While the warning topics worked this time around...


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... it's possible that the spammers could post in them to get more inocent victims. And while this is a good example of regular members taking up action in absence of staff, what are they going to do if their own topics turn into landmines too?


I think that silenty notifying staff is the best option, but tonight's approach was somewhat sucsessful before some members got out of hand.



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Yeah, it worked at first when there were but a few warning topics, I'll admit. But yeah, it got out of hand quickly.



I'm afraid that if that were to happen, there was nothing us regular members could have done to alleviate the situation. It'd only add more fuel to the fire.

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