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Contacting Black Six

Black Six


As an Administrator at BZPower, I receive a lot of PMs. Unfortunately, there's a lot of stuff people send me that should be sent elsewhere. In an attempt to set things straight, I'm making this entry.


First off, I enjoy hearing from members. If you have a question or comment or suggestion, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll do my best to get back to you, but I make no promises. If you are reporting something, however, it should NOT be sent to me, we have systems in place to process various reports so that the important ones get to me and the lesser things do not. Here's a list of various things and where they should be reported:

  • News - Send all news reports to news@bzpower.com. I do not read news reports sent to me via PM.
  • Signature & Avatar Violations - These should be sent to any Forum Assistant. They process the reports and the Global Moderators and Administrators take care of them.
  • Advertising Violations - Send all advertising violations to AdvertAlert. Myself and other Admins check this account regularly and handle all reports.
  • Blog Violations - These should be sent to BlogAlert. Blog Assistants will go through the reports and then the Blog Leader and myself will take care of anything that's left.
  • Profile Comment Violations - These should also be sent to Forum Assistants. Again, they process the reports and then higher staff take care of them.
  • Individual Forum Problems - These should be sent to the Forum Leader of the forum in question. If they don't reply in a reasonable amount of time, contact a Global Moderator.
  • Official Topic Requests - Again, these should be sent to the Forum Leader of the forum in question. The Forum Leaders generally have the final decision on things that happen in their forums.

If it's not on this list, feel free to contact me about it. If it should be sent to someone else, I'll either forward it there or let you know, but if it's on the above list, it will likely be ignored.


Thanks everyone, and happy Thanksgiving!


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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Can we still contact you about RPG stuff, or is Smeagle4 and Doc the new masters of the RPG realm?
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In the case of RPG, then yes, the Forum Leader you would contact would be me. If you follow my guidelines you'd be doing the right thing.

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Wait. You mean to say, Six, that I have to stop filling your PM inbox, e-mail inbox, and cell phone voicemail with nonsensical spam, advertisements, and threats? : (
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Wait. You mean to say, Six, that I have to stop filling your PM inbox, e-mail inbox, and cell phone voicemail with nonsensical spam, advertisements, and threats? : (

No, it just has to be forwarded to him from an FL. :P

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Lol, That'd be interesting to be able to call him with a report. :P


But don't we contact you if it's really urgent? Like the innapropriate images? (Say it was only you and a FA on in terms of staff).




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