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Binky's Salad Days



Woo. The last few weeks have been somewhat intense work-wise, with lots and lots of stuff happening at once. It's like surfing a killer wave on a Pop-Tart sized board. Deadlines breathe down my neck like werewolves with halitosis, ready to rip me if I falter. Herds of butterflies rampage in my stomache when I think about all that's due and the very short timeframes in which to do them.


So here I am, working on a weekend, pounding away on a spreadsheet with all the content for the next site launch. I slowly fill in yellow cells with new content, and re-read the others to make sure it's all right. It's time-consuming detail work, made all the more nerve-wracking knowing that there are tens of thousands of people who will pounce on every single error or discrepency the minute it's published live.


And then I force myself to step back and look at the bigger picture.


I'm writing BIONICLE.com.


Not bad for a web geek who plays with toys once in a while, who until recently was working in a dead-end and mind-numbing job that was the antithesis of fun. It's so easy to fall into the narrowed vision of upcoming deadlines and spreadsheets and juggling creative vendors and local market requirements. So easy to forget this is really a "dream job" and not just another way to earn a buck (or kroner, as the case may be).


Sometimes I just need to kick myself to remember to enjoy this, since it can't last forever. (My contract is only for the time until Leah comes back from maternity leave.)


Gotta remember. These are my salad days, cold Danish winters and all.


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knowing that there are tens of thousands of people who will pounce on every single error or discrepency the minute it's published live.

Yeah, about 37780 BZP members!


I'm sure you'll do fine. Yes, you have a dream job. The dream job.



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Given any thought to what you'd like to do after Leah comes back?




Maybe come back here? (Just a suggestion, and Survurlode is on the rise.)


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: And maybe you and B6 could co-work, if you took this suggestion? :voyanui:

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Hooray for deadlines.


Without them, you'd just be bored and playing with the new toys. And we don't want that.


Unless we're visiting you playing with them, too :lol:


So hey, cheer up Kelly... just remember, not everybody can put on their résumé "Former Lego Web Content Manager," now can they? Oh, plus you never know, maybe Lego will like you so much you'll be hired on to work under Leah. Yes, it's a bit of a downgrade, but at least it'd be a bit more permanent. One does never know. -Swert

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