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A Summons To Brainstorm

Tufi Piyufi


So, as it turns out, yes this conceptual gun does have a bullet or two in it, punk. I have the means, I have the drive, but... I'll admit something. The actual writing part... I'm kinda falling flat on. I've got two or three complete story ideas, but that's about it. That just plain doesn't feel like enough. I know there should be more.


Why isn't that more coming to me and smacking me upside the head?!?


Which is why I turn to you people, once more. I'm looking for scenarios. I'm looking for sparks of plots. Interesting interactions. We've got tons of tinder here: spam, contests, a pirate and a ninja in the same forum, building crazes, and Kex and his crossdressing habits. It just feels like it's been left out in the rain, is all.


So c'mooooooooon... help a puffin out? :D


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Well Mistress Piyufi, you could have things such as rampaging MOCs destroying the place such as some of Shannara's MOCs and yeah...

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Well Mistress Piyufi, you could have things such as rampaging MOCs destroying the place such as some of Shannara's MOCs and yeah...

I'm thinking more along the lines of a conspiracy... You know, BBC contest MOCs being used to overthrow the powers that be...

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Wait, the Princess Peach and Thanny Poppins thing was a secret? :P

I was thinking another pair... maybe the Empress and, err, a Knight in Shining Armor? :wakeup2:

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Well Mistress Piyufi, you could have things such as rampaging MOCs destroying the place such as some of Shannara's MOCs and yeah...

I'm thinking more along the lines of a conspiracy... You know, BBC contest MOCs being used to overthrow the powers that be...

Ah ha... And trying to figure out who's behind it...


Plus I'm -sure- that the other little tidbits you mentioned will work fine in little sub-plots. References to spam, flame, dupe topics, contest mixups... All dat stuf. :)

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Ah, people. I thank you greatly. ^_^


I'm thinking more along the lines of a conspiracy... You know, BBC contest MOCs being used to overthrow the powers that be...

Yes... Yes, I can see this. Hn...


Wait, the Princess Peach and Thanny Poppins thing was a secret? :P

Well, I did try for all of five seconds before I realized it was hopeless and I accepted that 'dignity' was not to be for the Empire... -_-


I was thinking another pair... maybe the Empress and, err, a Knight in Shining Armor? :wakeup2:

Nah. Mom always said to beware of guys with spotless armour. If they're too afraid to actually use the stuff...


Back I go to the thinking. Once again, thanks to y'all. :D

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Well, I did try for all of five seconds before I realized it was hopeless and I accepted that 'dignity' was not to be for the Empire... -_-

That's ok if you don't want to join the Artwork Kingdom with the BBC Empire forever, it's understandable. :P


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