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Stick Wars

Doctor Norik



We still need 1 more player. Please. It'll be fun.







Prepare yourselves for the greatest whatsitamajigger of foreverness! I present....


Started by a subsitute History teacher, this wild fad at Norik's school has wildly escalated to frame him and his friends as "nerds". Now YOU can join the fun as I introduce-- STICK BLOG BATTLES!



This all began as a simple game of paper "Battleship", as tought by said teacher, where one draws a territory, a base, and some ships. You then take turns moving your ships along the battlefield on suicide missions to destroy the enemy base. Then, one day, a week later, Norik said: "Hey, wouldn't this be awesome with stick figures?"

Yes. Yes it would be.

As the Battleship game is impossible online, the Stickman Wars' original rules allow for Blog adaptations.

Step one: We need 2 players, both of whom have access to MSPaint, Photoshop, Fireworks, or some other art program.

Step 2: A playing field is required of 600x400 pixels.

Step III: The two players make their terrain.


Step Quatre: The two players create bases.


Step Cinco: The bases will be covered with five dots, representing the health of the base.

Step 00110110: Create turrets with 3 health dots.


Step Zibn: Make your army of Stickmen, and administer the health dots*.

*Note that there is a max of 15 health dots for your troops.


Remember, the troops can be anything from from human to robot to alien to Dalek.

Step Otto: Administer weapons. There are only a few available weapons (for fear of total ownedage), so we've made a handy list of weapon combos, as each stickman can have (at max) 2.


Gun -- Grenade

Gun -- Sword

Grenade -- Sword

Bazooka -- Grenade

You can have a max of:

2 Bazookas

Unlimited Guns

3 Grenades

1 Sword

You can also customize weapons, for example:

Sword? Make it a lightsaber!

Gun? How bout a lazer!

Grenade? Why the heck would you want to customize a grenade? They're awesome.


Okay, that's it for preparation-- now onto fighting.

Step Echad: You'll need some tools of measurement for moving and such.

Movement/Jumping: Anywhere along this scale:


Step Two (to heck with the different languages): Shooting.

You can shoot anywhere on this scale:


The arc represents grenades.

Step 3: Falling.

If you fall (you'll see how you can in the next step), you can only survive if the fall is less than:


Step 4: Affecting the terrain.

With every shot of a gun, grenade, or bazooka, you affect the battlefield.

Example: If you shoot a guy with a bazooka, he loses an immense chink of health and the field around him is damaged.

(One more thing. For every turn you shoot/move, you'll need to put a dotted line of where you shot/moved. The line disappears the next turn).


Step 5: Damage.

Every time you hit something, it tales away dots (health), effectively damaging said object. In the state of stickmen/turrets/bases, no health = dead, and the remains of said stickman/turret/base will remain there, dead, until the end of the game. With terrain, hitting it will damage it by emoving chunks of it. In the case of floating platforms, too much damage to it will cause it to fall, and that in turn will damage any terrain/troops underneath. If an object falls on someone, it removes 5 dotes (except in the case of a base/turrets). If that player has more than 5 dots, they are rendered unconcious for 2 of your turns. If a player is on said falling object, the lose 1 health and are knocked out for 1 of your turns. If an object falls on a turret, the turret loses 2 health dots. If an object falls on a base, it will lose 1.


Each weapon does a different amount of damage.

Guns: 1

Bazookas: 4

Grenades: 3

Swords: --dead--

Falling objects: 5

To attack with swords, you must be this close to an enemy:


Step 6: Winning.

You win by destroying the enemy base. In the case of bases, each weapon does 1 damage.

In the event that every enemy troop is destroyed, you will win be default.





~El Tournament~


One: Norik -- MatoranBuilder

Two: ~Captain Laughin'Man~ -- .:Sgt. Panda of the 60's:

Three: Toa Huki. -- Hooziwutzit: toa of thingamabobs

Four: Neo Blademan Seed Destiny -- Player 8

Five: Norik -- Two

Six: Three -- Four

Seven: Five -- Six


Open Slots: 1


Okay. Who wants to play?


Recommended Comments

May I join? (I hope I'm not too late.)


Me and my friends (we are also considered somewhat nerdy) evolved a similar system of battle. However, our system was that each person had one character with 100 health and could either attack or create something each turn. We decided that everything did 1d20 damage, so no ridiculously over-powered objects could be created.


If I still can join, it should be noted that I will have minimal (maybe once every few days) computer access from later today until 1/1/08. However, it's for a good cause. (I'm going to England! I can see the Doctor Who Christmas special without having to download it from BT! =D)


...So, yeah, I'm in.



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