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As promised, here is some info on Vamprah (Chirox and a better Antroz write-up to come later in the week):


Vamprah (8692)


Quote: Vamprah does not speak.


Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; claws; knife-sharp wings


Personality: Vamprah is the true hunter among the Makuta, who delights in silently stalking his prey. Even his allies are uncomfortable around him. Thanks to his mask power and his own experiments, he now literally feeds on the hopes and dreams of others. Vamprah hates to see a hunt end too soon and will often toy with his prey before feeding.


Mask: Kanohi Avsa, Mask of Hunger -- allows Vamprah to drain his choice of light, energy or positive emotions from a target at a distance. His preference is always the latter, but he will drain energy when in combat.


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Are their mask powers basically very advanced forms of their Rahkshi powers? Or will Chirox's be radically different.


But I digress. I want Vamprah even more now XD.


Edit: Based off the description... has Vamprah modified his own mask? Or himself, somehow?

From what I gather, he altered himself, and the unaltered Avsa just adds to it.


Anyway, most devious mask to date, I think. Reminds me of Rampage from Beast Wars. Can't wait for the rest, thanks Greg!

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Nice info. Vamprah's mask really really is creepy. As compared to Antroz, sucking out ones positive feeling really is... something. Looking forward to the rest!


:voyanui: F21 :voyanui:

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The Avsa makes me want Vamprah. Such a cool mask. I guess this is why he was named Vamprah, for draining things from opponents



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wait, is "Tridax" or "Tridak"?

Trydax, it was a simple typo.


Greg, can we please get pronounciation on Avsa, and if you don't mind, put them with the new names? That would help BS01 if it isn't too much trouble.


Thanks for the info, can't wait for Chirox.

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Good point, BFN, I will do that --


Avsa is pronounced "AVVV (pronounced like "have") -- sah"


And the spelling is Tridax, not Trydax



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I smell shadow Takanuva. :P Seriously, that's one bad mask.. I wouldn't like to face Vamprah. Thanks for keeping us updated Greg, 2008 looks like a good year!

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Good point, BFN, I will do that --


Avsa is pronounced "AVVV (pronounced like "have") -- sah"


And the spelling is Tridax, not Trydax



So that would be typed "AV-sah", correct?

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Nice mask power. I'm looking forward to 2008. But I'm wondering, if the Kanohi Avsa and Shadow Leeches drain light, what's the difference? Do the Shadow leeches do it at a greater extent than the Avsa?



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Hyper - A shadow leech has to make physical contact with you to drain your light. If you can somehow pull it off, burn it off, or kill it, then it can't finish the job. Vamprah, on the other hand, does not have to be touching you to use his mask power on you.



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Interesting...another spin off of a Kraata power (That's the way I see it). My guess was kinda right.


I really want to read how this will work out in the books! :)



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hm...(please excuse my ignorance from a lot of bionicle): if Vamprah has a specialty like hunger, does the Makuta of Metru Nui have a specialty power as well?

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I'd imagine that his specialty is Shaodw, yes the others have it, but he's called the 'Master of Shadows' maybe he's better at it than the others?

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So, Vamprah has almost every vampire aspect there is?

1) Drains other's energy, and this is the only thing he needs to live; which should both be good and bad for him.

2) Can shapeshift, and obviously prefers a form resembling a bat.

3) Hunts in the dark, stays silent.

4) Is hurt by light.

Now we only need him to sleep at day. :P


Anyways, it looks like 2008 will be a great year. :)



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