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I know! It's only $35.


Otherwise, it's pretty sweet. Too bad Wal*Mart is the bowels of the universe so close to the festivus season.

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The age range or the gender selection? I mean, 'Bionicle' is a toy line for everyone, right?


Assuming this isn't a trick question.

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The two "NeoShifters" are completely identical besides color?


Either that or (at least on my screen) the NeoShifters are completely covered by the text.

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Is it the Vs. Thing on it? *Grumble* Stupid Cancel Edit button being where Complete edit is on the forums... I know! Is it the fact that you can't get the Neo Shifters in the dropdown? Or is it the afct that it says for figures, Bionicle and not Bionicle and Neo Shifters? And I have 3 of the sets listed for BIO! (Jaller, Ehlek, and Pridak... Ehlek snapping like crazy :annoyed:)
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Is it the Vs. Thing on it? *Grumble* Stupid Cancel Edit button being where Complete edit is on the forums... I know! Is it the fact that you can't get the Neo Shifters in the dropdown? Or is it the afct that it says for figures, Bionicle and not Bionicle and Neo Shifters? And I have 3 of the sets listed for BIO! (Jaller, Ehlek, and Pridak... Ehlek snapping like crazy :annoyed:)


You could yesterday night. It's changed, so that's not the problem.




Do we get a prize if we guess it?

Y'know, as motivation?

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