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So, So Close

Tufi Piyufi


11:59 PM on a Wednesday night. Board is still down whilst we try to work on things. I have had the urge to blog for ages, yet only now do I have the material. Please, folks, do I look like your 'entry-every-day-about-boring-boring-life' blogger? I should hope you know me better than that.


Festivus is the 23rd. That means I have two, three days to get it done and posted.


"It?" you ask. "Ah yes. And you've mentioned the idea itself for ages now. Why the sudden deadlineitis?"


Because I'm making things all the more official today.


That, my dears, was the gauntlet that just fell. Don't worry: it's for me.


It will make much, much more sense when you actually see the whole thing, which you really will I promise you. I just have to work out a few teensy little details first. Like how to make a Barbie phone stay in a hipjoint hand. Also, those accursed curtains. And the miniature...


Also, the photography and post-production. Minor details like those. Other than that, the script is done (and huge... oh gods why does it have to be so huge), the cast is done, the stage is done, I know the last things that must be done...


It's 11:59, and I wanna stay alive.


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