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Pop Quiz #number



What do Gandalf the Grey, and Gandalf the White, and

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail”'s Black Knight, and

Benito Mussolini, and The Blue Meanie, and

Cowboy Curtis, and Jambi the Genie,

Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader,

Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger,

Bill S. Preston, and Theodore Logan,

Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan have in common?


Define “Antidisestablishmentarianism” without using a dictionary of reference web site.


What is my favorite cat’s name?

..........a) Goatee

..........b) Moeses

..........c) Sadie

..........d) Shamrock


Who is responsible for paying for my Premier Membership?


What two colors of Bionicle sets am I permitted to get?


Based off of the last question, which set will be the next one I buy?


How was your Christmas? =P


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1. Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!

2. Something about a turtle.

3. E, one of the above.

4. I dunno, but they must be really awesome.

5. None. BIONICLE is too cool for you *Grin*

6. I don't pay attention, so you're bound to know the answer.

7. Terrible, but don't let that get you down :)

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1. They all kick butt.




2. The profession of bringing anything with power now, which is also a belief.


3. Goatee


4. Your mom.


5. Brown and black?


6. It matters?


7. It was good. Nothing you need to truly know...



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1. They all have vowels in their names.


2. Ohh, that's the longest word in the English language... I thought it was Pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliconvolcanoconiosis. Wait, is that one English? Which is longer? *Counts letters.* Umm, anyways, I doubt I'm supposed to look back in your blog for the answer, so I'm going to guess it has something to do with "not building a mental hospital."


3. Moeses. :wub:


4. Dimensioneer.


5. *Peeks at set list.* Red and black.


5. Antroz? :lookaround:


6. Cold.





P.S. Oh, by the way, it's definitely high time I gave this to you. :P

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1.) Theye're all awesome.


2.) Opposition to disestablishment of a church. Call me mister dictionary.


3.) Moeses


4.) Red and Black.


5.) Antroz/Onua, or Chirox/Tahu?

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