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I wasn't going to dignify this issue with a blog entry, but since people keep asking me about it, I guess I have to --


Recently, some supposed names for summer BIONICLE sets hit the Internet, among them "Krika." Some web surfers discovered that there is a site that identifies "krika" as a slang term for something bad. They immediately PM'd me about it in a semi-panic, so I spent my morning doing some research. Here is what I have found out:


-- The site claims that the word is used in Puerto Rican or Cuban urban areas, however a check of Spanish dictionary sites reveals that krika has no meaning in Spanish -- so this is a slang term, not a part of the actual language.


-- The same site that lists krika as meaning something bad also lists the following words as meaning a bodily part, a bodily function, or something else that would be inappropriate to discuss here:


* Chair

* Fabric softener

* Machete

* Macaroni

* M&M

* Table

* Pacemaker

* Oh, by the way -- the site also lists BZP as a term referring to a party drug. But we know BZPower doesn't refer to that, right? Right.


And that's just a small sample. There are 160 pages of urban slang terms just starting with the letter K! Any word, in any language, can be used as a slang term for something bad -- does that mean we should no longer use any of the words listed above in anything?


-- So what does Krika mean? Well -- Krika is a jewelry company in Montserrat that sells silver Wizard of Oz jewelry ... Krika Simo was one of the hikers who discovered the "Iceman" in 1991 .. Krika Peters was an actor in the 1960s ... and Krika is a town in Sweden. There are, in fact, 82,300 hits for krika on Google, only 1 of which refers to it as being a bad word. In fact, krika is being spread around as a bad word more on BZPower these days than anywhere else!


So my advice to everyone is to calm down and get some perspective. This is a non-issue, and it's only going to become an issue if people run around and get hysterical about it when it's not warranted.






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Ain't mass hysteria fun?




Kind of funny though Krika..makes me think of....Kriketot(a pokemon) which makes me think of grasshoppers...bugs...swamp...=O


Brilliant name!

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Is Krika a town in Sweden!? :blink: :OMG:

I live in Sweden but have never heard of that before!

Must search Wikipedia!

Thanks Greg!

So the summer sets name are true...



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Yes, But thing is- What happens if a Parent is trying to find the set for their child, googling it, and discovers that it's listed as a slang term for that?




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Yes, But thing is- What happens if a Parent is trying to find the set for their child, googling it, and discovers that it's listed as a slang term for that?




Well then you would hope/think they'd have enough sense to know that the website listing that information isn't for literal definitions.


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It's also way more likely that a parent is going to look on LEGO.com or LEGOshop.com if they are looking for info on a LEGO set.


Frankly, I think parents are going to be more upset that their kids are online researching swear words than they are going to be about Krika's name. LEGO isn't the one sending folks to sites full of curse words, people are doing that on their own.



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Thanks a LOT, Greg. Krika had me worried there.


I still cracked up when I saw it on that slang site. :P





I'm still glad that you've cleared this up. I don't see why so many people are bothered though. If they were searching the internet for these names, why bother if they knew they weren't gonna get anything decent?


I don't know....



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Thanks a LOT, Greg. Krika had me worried there.


I still cracked up when I saw it on that slang site. :P





I'm still glad that you've cleared this up. I don't see why so many people are bothered though. If they were searching the internet for these names, why bother if they knew they weren't gonna get anything decent?


I don't know....



Personally I googled these names to see if I could find any real-word-roots for them, like with the Phantoka Makuta. That might've given hints to their set shapes, such as Antrozoidae being a bat family. No luck there, though. :P



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Weird, so we have people looking up every single name just to start something... so childish.


Good job you cleared things up Greg. :)

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I have been surprised to see people actually threatening to leave BIONICLE over this.


If someone did drop the line over this, I would expect them to be on the phone to their local furniture stores tomorrow demanding that they stop using the words "table" and "chair" since they are slang for bad words also, according to the same web site. If someone is going to blame BIONICLE for this then they have to give equal treatment to everyone else who uses any of the several thousand words on that site, right?


(BTW, the same site also lists "LEGO" as being slang for something not to be brought up on a site with children on it -- so I think we can see how absurd this all is.)



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Thank you for taking the time to do this Mr. Farshtey. i agree completely with you. Slang terms are... slang. Being half-swedish, I was surprised to hear that someone would threaten to leave Bionicle over a name that could reflect so many things (including a town in Sweden) lol. Besides, most parents (or grandparents) don't usually know the names of bionicle.

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Heh, the only problem I have with the name is that is sounds a bit to much like Krekka. =P


I mean, if someone hadn't brought it up, than people wouldn't know anyway unless they were from said country, so I wouldn't loose sleep over it, if it were in English, then there might be some issues.

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Well thats that. I didn't really get what all the fuss was about. As soon as I saw the names, I looked them up, saw the site, which anyone can edit and their own ideas into it, and as Greg pointed out, make words like table and chair be rude. It was a case of "much ado about nothing".



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As another example, "greg" apparently means to get drunk and flirt with women. So I don't really see how any of this matters. >_>

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: D, I suggest you remove that definition. Nothing too serious, but it might me against BZP rules. Not sure though.


Okay people, here's the deal: Move on. Almost any word, phrase, or sentence can be turned into something immoral. Leaving Bionicle over this is ridiculous. I understand you may be put off by this, but the names make no difference. Besides, this is the real world. If you googled your entire vocabulary, I estmiate 8.5/10 have a slang meaning that is inappropriate.


If anyone is to be blamed, it is the ignorant people who choose to flaunt their ignorance by using ignorant slang they type up for the benefit of other ignorant people eager to learn new curse words. How dare they.

Lego is innoncent. Applause for Greg, who chose to help the BZP citizens on his vacation.


BioHero's gotta fly.

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Apparently so, Adventurer --


Someone wrote me last night stating that they had found a reference to "krika" on Wikipedia in an article on Spanish profanity. I checked it out, didn't see it, so I assume it got edited. What struck me was that someone would sit there and read an entire article on profanity, which they knew they would be offended by, just to see if they could find this name and be even more offended. No one involved with BIONICLE sent them on that search -- they chose to do it themselves -- so who is to blame if they are shocked and offended? Why is it that the people most prone to be upset about this are the ones actively seeking it out?


Meanwhile, the millions of BIONICLE fans who don't come to this site do not now and never will even know there is such a controversy, because the odds are they DON'T spend their time researching profanity.



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In this day in age, every innocent word is slang for some innappropriate. Soon we will get to the point of shunning all words because of what they mean now at the moment, instead of what they actually mean.



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This is just so rediculous that I can't believe people are even debating it. I stated this on another topic where it came up and I'll state it again.


Benjamin Franklin said that, "If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed." And he was right. I bet if I looked hard enough I could find a negative implication for at least half the words in the english language.


But then Ben also said, "Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one."

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