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Bionicle.com Online, Finally



At long last, BIONICLE.com has been updated.


I'm currently on Christmas vacation, and 5,000 miles away from the action, so I haven't been involved in pushing it live. After some fits and starts, though, it looks like it's getting done. There are the occasional server errors and a few things to clean up, but overall it's looking good.


The process to update the site wasn't as bad as I'd feared; the biggest challenge was making sure the game would be ready. Battle For Power is a game that will go for 2008, with updates basically every two weeks, starting in February. Visitors get to choose to play as either Good Guy or Bad Guy, and their scores will be adjusted accordingly. (Interestingly, a glitch shows the score as being the same between Good and Evil - that needs to be fixed.)


I'm happy with the design, it came out very close to what I'd originally envisioned. Now, we get to start localizing them into many different languages - including two new languages, Spanish and Portuguese.


The sister site, BIONICLEstory.com, is also ready for an update, and should be pushed live shortly. It actually should've gone first, but oh well. The design on that is much different than what I'd imagined, but I think it will work fine. It's very elegant - maybe too much so... we'll need more color in it. But it's the content that matters.


I'm kind of working blind here, since my email access was inadvertently cut off at the end of 2007, and I'm still working on getting it restored, so I have no idea how many panicked emails I've got waiting :)


Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new content and games!


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Wow, this is the best one I've ever seen. The games are fun, the bios are very interesting, and the design of the website is awesome. The only problem besides the scores on the games being the same is that in the Icarax bio, it says that he's the MoMN. Anyway, it's really awesome. Thanks Bink!

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Awesome piece of work here, Binky! I need to say, though, some of the B.I.O codes don't work. The only one I own that I got to work was Pohatu's.


~ :a: :t:, formerly Hydruka Tamer (>.< I need a new av and banner)


EDIT: Double-checked, Vamprah works too. I was able to access the others, though, by modifying the reward URL with the other codes I have.

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Great job getting up the site, Binky! ^_^ However, I have been experiencing a major bug on the site since late 2007: the links at the top of the page (Products, Downloads, Fun Zone, etc.) don't work for me. I can move my mouse over each link, but when I click each link, nothing happens. Can you please help me? My Flash version is 9,0,115,0 and I am running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and Internet Explorer 7.

-Toa Of Justice

P.S. Another bug I recently discovered is that the code submission link is missing from the Kanoka Club page.

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I've had lots of reports of the header Flash (navigation) not working for some people. I will see what we can do about getting that fixed.

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On the movie-list, the new Phantoka animation isn't labeled as a mini-movie... It also seems to end a bit abruptly and it doesn't show too many characters. Is this a teaser like the Barraki and the Mahri had?


Oh, and no animations except the 4-Minute Retrospective one seem to work for me on Mozilla Firefox... Might want to look into that.

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I've had lots of reports of the header Flash (navigation) not working for some people. I will see what we can do about getting that fixed.

Thank you, and good luck fixing that. :) Can you please send me a PM or an e-mail when it's fixed?

-Toa Of Justice

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For me, the top of screen navigation bar wont do the links- it does the animation, but the links dont work. I have flash player 9, has that got anything to do with it?

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Oh man what to say... GREATEST SITE EVER! Really, I'm excited. And in Spanish? You rock man, you rock.



PS: Still looking forward to BStory.com

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