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The Onset Of Midterms

ToM Dracone


It's that time of the year again. From Tuesday to Thursday this week, I have midterms, and for perhaps the first time in my life I'm actually a bit worried about them. AP Bio especially.



Latin ~ Probably an easy test, but studying for it is exhausting, because it requires reading about 800 lines of the Aeneid in two days...

Euro ~ Not sure... I'm fairly confident that I know what I need to for it (in this case, studying = reading through my notebook), but I also don't remember what exactly is on the exam. (I.e. multiple choice, short answer, essays?) I guess I'll ask Youri and Kate in the hours after the Latin exam; this is actually the first time in three years I'll be able to study for an exam with them...



Calculus ~ Somehow or other, I feel pretty confident about this. Don't know why, since just last week I was dreading it.

English ~ ...Eh. I've never liked English exams. Might be my easiest exam, though.



Biology ~ I'M GONNA DIE. There's so much to know. Again, this is all reading through my (copiously filled) notebook, then looking back at answers I wrote for tests, and hoping to Mata Nui that he doesn't make one of the two (LONG) essay questions about photosynthesis or cellular respiration. Because while I understand them, I can't explain them in detail beyond the really basic steps.

Greek ~ No idea. I don't know enough vocabulary, mainly. Especially all those small words whose meanings I never remember. I guess Katie and I will quiz each other beforehand or something.


*deep breath* And I have to write a DBQ for Euro today... guess I'll go do that soon. :lookaround: It figures, all this happens as I finally get to a point in QfLD where I know what to write next...


By the way, Janus is awesome. There are some things best said with biting sarcasm, and he does so wonderfully.

~ ToM


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Uh oh.


If you're having midterms, I'm having midterms... Guess I should start thinking about studying, huh?


EDIT: D... B... Q...?


Document-Based Question. You're given a packet of 11-12 historical documents, from which you have to write an essay analyzing them. In half an hour. Evil things. >>

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I had mid-terms back before xmas, of course, they are nothing like yours. ;) Good luck. :) I was horribly worried and I got a high A on all of them, except in Algebra. I do not know if this will happen to you too, but it helps to have some coffee before the tests. ;) lol

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Tek and Lluvio ~ I take (Ancient) Greek because I wanted to learn it, of course. ^_^ I pretty much have a fascination with the origins of things, and Latin and Ancient Greek both provide a lot of linguistic roots...


Windeh ~ That's not encouraging. >>


Wil ~ I don't drink coffee... I like the smell, though. At any rate, Sprite or Coke/Pepsi might work just as well for my afternoon exams...

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Tek and Lluvio ~ I take (Ancient) Greek because I wanted to learn it, of course. ^_^ I pretty much have a fascination with the origins of things, and Latin and Ancient Greek both provide a lot of linguistic roots...


Windeh ~ That's not encouraging. >>


Wil ~ I don't drink coffee... I like the smell, though. At any rate, Sprite or Coke/Pepsi might work just as well for my afternoon exams...


same here.. i've never liked coffee.. but coke is fine :P



good luck!

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