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Update 1-24



Just some quick news --


-- A lot of people on here have been talking about a set they have seen with a Hydraxon mask on it and suggesting that is the 2008 BrickMaster exclusive set. It's not. No images of the BM exclusive set are on the net (I've looked), but I do have an image of it and it does not have a Hydraxon mask. The item number for this set is #20005 and we aren't even showing BMs what it looks like yet. The March issue will show what the May and July sets will look like, but the BIONICLE set is not until September.


-- I will be appearing at the Butler & Dimmock Library on Main St. in Coventry, CT on Wednesday, April 16 at 2 pm. I'm going to to be talking about BIONICLE and they are also talking about doing some contests, though that is not firmed up yet.


-- Will be back at Comic-Con again this year, looks like -- July 24-27, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA.


-- Some 2009 set designs are now final, some are still in the process of being worked on. New script is out in Billund now, looks good.




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To be honest, Swordsman, I have only seen a couple of the '09 ones in anything approaching final form -- most of the ones I saw last year were very early prototypes and have changed almost completely after three rounds of focus groups. So not enough info to form an opinion yet.



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Unfortunately,I don't live anywhere near CA or CT,so I wouldn't be able to go to either the Comic-Con or the meeting at the library.(I live in KY,so I don't live near either states).It would be cool if those were Duracell promos (even though I haven't seen any before in my life).I hope the 2009 sets look awesome.But they had better lock them up good,so no one takes any pictures and leak them onto the internet like the summer '08 set pictures.

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Oh wow! So I wonder what the Hydraxon/Nuparu mask sets are. Probably promos. I wonder where I can get them.


Anyways, thanks for the info. I wonder what the real Brick Master set looks like. And I wonder what the 09 sets look like too...........

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greg, you can send us a pic of one of the 2009 sets please ?

Sorry, that would be impossible for him. If he did that, he could even get in BIG trouble. :o


Well, that all sounds okay, although I was looking forward to some of those promos I saw, it's no big deal for me that they won't be in B-master. -_- The '09 news sounds wonderful. Hope you'll all have a wonderful business year. :)



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I have some question regarding how the sets are made/tested etc. How does the process work? Do the set designers come up with several drafts of prototypes that are then tested by focus groups? And what exactly are focus groups, and who are in them? Lastly, are the set designers limited to a certain amount of new pieces they can have on a set? If you could answer these questions, that would be great. Thanks. Inika101

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Inika101 - Thanks for the interesting questions. Let me see if I can answer --


1) For a wave of six sets, the set designers normally do about 10 models and show those to focus groups, and then they get narrowed down. Then a next wave goes through groups, gets modified, goes through another set of groups, etc.


2) Focus groups are set up by a market research firm employed for that purpose by LEGO ( which also does gorups for many other companies). LEGO will specify how many kids they want in each group, what age range, and how big of BIONICLE fans we want them to be, and then the research firm goes out and recruits the kids. Normally, focus groups are held in NYC, North Carolina, and Chicago.


3) Set designers normally go in knowing what the price of the set needs to be and what the budget for the set is. New pieces cost a lot of money, because of the need to make new molds, so if you want to add extra new pieces to a set, you need to take the money from somewhere (such as the packaging). So you do have to keep an eye on how many new pieces you are going to do per set.

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Inika101 - Thanks for the interesting questions. Let me see if I can answer --


1) For a wave of six sets, the set designers normally do about 10 models and show those to focus groups, and then they get narrowed down. Then a next wave goes through groups, gets modified, goes through another set of groups, etc.


2) Focus groups are set up by a market research firm employed for that purpose by LEGO ( which also does gorups for many other companies). LEGO will specify how many kids they want in each group, what age range, and how big of BIONICLE fans we want them to be, and then the research firm goes out and recruits the kids. Normally, focus groups are held in NYC, North Carolina, and Chicago.


3) Set designers normally go in knowing what the price of the set needs to be and what the budget for the set is. New pieces cost a lot of money, because of the need to make new molds, so if you want to add extra new pieces to a set, you need to take the money from somewhere (such as the packaging). So you do have to keep an eye on how many new pieces you are going to do per set.


a question greg, the movie gonna be inctredibly awesome ?

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Well, we'll see, Antrozek.


Story and script-wise, I think it is the best film we have ever done. The characters dialogue is very true to them and the story makes sense -- no big plot holes or huge gaps.


At this point, they have not yet chosen a director or started animation tests. So we will see how things look as the work starts in earnest on the film.



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What about a composer/music person? Sticking with Mr. Furst? Or does that get decided by the director?

Yes! Please Greg, please keep Furst, his music is AWESOME!

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Are the characters in the movie old characters or new ones?

I think they are new, because 2009 is a "new beginning" for Bionicle. Also: YAAAY! That means we're one step closer to a new Bionicle movie!

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