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To Those Held At A Higher Standard



This entry is devoted to the Staff here, maybe a little reminder for them as well.


You guys, you're over us all on this site. You enforce the law, you keep things running smoothly and correctly, but I find that I feel as if you guys don't understand that alot of BZP members really look up to you. They DO see you as a role model whether you like it or not. You're like the policeguy in the town with the little boy looking up to you, wanting to BE like you. For that reason, don't you think that some of you should hold yourselves at higher standards? Maybe being more careful with the words you say, how you say them, what pictures you have on your maj even.


You guys aren't normal members once your staff, you're Important people that who knows who is looking up to you, wanting to be the "Next you" and that absolutely enjoys YOU. Cause YOU'RE SO COOL. For that reason, don't you think you should interact and be friendly to the people around you? Those people you look up to you?


You guys set the path that some people walk on, how is their life going to be if they follow that path?




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Maybe being more careful with the words you say, how you say them, what pictures you have on your maj even.


Especially if you link to your Maj on BZPower. I can definitely think of a few people(not all of them staff, by the way) who could benefit from following that advice.

Good advice Sunny. I do agree with this, especially for those who aspire to be staff. Yes, we can all tell when someone's trying to be one, it's not like nobody notices. I admire anyone who is willing to step up and help BZPower be a better place. But let's just remember that your primary goal should be to help out, not to be staff.



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Y'know that omi is so cool drinking beer on his maj.

I think I'll choose a leader now.


Now how to find beer at my age...

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guys, this wasn't supposed to look like an attack on anyone. I haven't even seen the pics on Omi's maj of which you're reffering to.


I think we should continue this respectfully :D



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What Omi does shouldn't be anyones concern. Just because he drinking beer in a pic does not place him under the category of alcoholic.


Trust me, Omi should be the last person to influence the use of alcohol, because evenutally it might end up in either your friend's hand or your own.



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What Omi does shouldn't be anyones concern. Just because he drinking beer in a pic does not place him under the category of alcoholic.


Trust me, Omi should be the last person to influence the use of alcohol, because evenutally it might end up in either your friend's hand or your own.




Is he a functional alcoholic? =O

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Then arrest 75% of our teenagers in America.


If not more than that. At least Omi's less than 15 days away from the legal drinking age.


No one should harass him for that.



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Yeah, I used to really look up to a lot of the staff. Now I look up their Maj accounts.


They make that so obvious now, almost all of bzp is doing it just to ruin the fun. O8

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I do think that if one has their Maj linked to on BZPower, they need to keep it appropriate for BZPower. After all, BZP doesn't even allow IM advertising, even when the IMs are unconnected to BZPower, so why should this be allowed?



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Well, I just wanted to let the staff people know that some people actually look up to them. And if they want to continue to be in the position they're in, the best be good :P



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I know this was directed at me, so don't take me for a fool. Maj doesn't work like BZP. One thing I always live by is to always be yourself, not anyone else. And by being yourself, you should never change your ways just so it can benefit another. Yes my Maj does have some images that shouldn't be seen on BZP. Yes some pics do have me with alcoholic beverages. But did you ever take notice to what surrounding I was in? I was 18 when those pics were taken, so you will all say that I was doing something illegal. Wrong. Those weren't taken in the US, so I was drinking legally. If you wanna argue the legalities, be my guest. Just remember you will lose that fight. Also whats with you all being nosy and asking us to change ourselves? What does our lives outside of BZP have to do with you? What I do offline does not reflect my position here. If you want to judge me by that, go right ahead. Just remember that all your doing is worrying about what I do, instead of what you should be doing, which isn't getting on my case, nor any other's.


Now back to the galleries. Who is at fault when viewing them? The person, not the staffer. Remember that everything you click on the internet is at your own discretion, so if you see something you didn't wanna see, then tough luck. Blame yourself, not the person who uploaded it.


So next time you bring this up, I will find dirt on you and force feed you the same stuff your giving me. Cuz it isn't just staff who are role models, it is the entire member community.



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Er, Omi, this was NOT directed at you, actually. It was directed to ALL Staff. This post was not to accuse anyone, just a reminder that people ARE looking up to you guys. I Also did not say that I look up to you guys, I just said OTHER people do. ;) I also did not ask anyone to change :)


Your Maj, I've never been there.


Thanks for accusing me of things I did not do ;)



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