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Tricky Cops

Spoony Bard


So I was heading on my way home late tonight as usual, like around midnight. Travelling on the Mass Pike as usual. I enjoy going home at this time cuz usually the Pike is literally empty. So this would mean I can go a bit faster than regularly. So yes, as one would put it, I was speeding. So I am going roughly 85-90 mph on the Pike. Cars were behind me, however there was one that was behind me, and kept speeding up to me and kept getting closer. I first thought this guy was riding me, so I sped faster. This didn't suit the guy, so he was going faster and closer. He was literally so close, that I could no longer see his headlights. That is way too -close- when travelling in cars. So as I get irked by this, suddenly the car starts to flash its red and blue lights, meaning this was a cop the whole time. So now I am like "Ohhhhhhhhh !@#$%&", since I was caught speeding. So as I start to merge over to the right (I was on the left), the car just drives by me and turns off his lights.


So lets go over some points. I was going 90 mph. The cop was going 90 mph as well. He was also tailgating me really close. If I stopped quickly, he would have had hit me at that speed. He knows I am speeding, and turns on his lights, which then led me to move over. Then he passes me and keeps driving. Does any of this make sense? Cuz I was expecting to get my first ticket here. Another thing that doesn't make sense is that recently the Mass Pike Authority ordered state troopers patrolling the Pike to pull over more drivers and issue more tickets, since it was shown that cops have been lenient. This guy didn't pull me over, which also irks me. He wasn't doing his job, and was also abusing his authority by speeding as well.


Anyways that was my night. My weekend was kinda bad as well.




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Omi, I don't think I'll ever be able to drive like you.


I'm not sure anyone else can drive like you. Except my brother... besides him, it's humanely un-possible.

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It would make sense if he were needed elsewhere... but then he probably would've kept his lights on after he passed you.


You have the strangest road stories.



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Well a cop is allowed to speed if he is needed somewhere and maybe he took you for someone else. But then a new call came on the radio and he had to go.

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Now what would have been REALLY Epic would have been if you were driving on walls and then you drove from one cliff to another in an epic police chase :o :P


But weird cop.




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I've known several cops who use their lights in order to get people out of the way so they can speed. There was one who lived in my neighborhood who used to speed like that all the time so that he wouldn't be late picking his daughter up from piano lessons.
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I've known several cops who use their lights in order to get people out of the way so they can speed. There was one who lived in my neighborhood who used to speed like that all the time so that he wouldn't be late picking his daughter up from piano lessons.


xD, that's kind of an abuse of power.

Where were you driving from Omi?



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Omi, I don't think I'll ever be able to drive like you.

Correction: Omi, I don't think I'll ever want to drive like you.




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Hey look, Omi was speeding and got away with it, it must be okay to speed. ^_^




Not really. ;)


They found out how staffish you were here, and so they respected that.



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Hey look, Omi was speeding and got away with it, it must be okay to speed. ^_^



Hmm, that's funny, this comment kinda reminds me of this blog post.


- Cee

So does speeding make me any different than how I am on BZP?



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Seems to me that the cop thought it was a street race and he wanted to cheat. The cop may have been lazy too. I mean, would you want to take five minutes to write a ticket, check a liscense, and all the rest of that? Still... no excuse for not writing a ticket.

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Hey look, Omi was speeding and got away with it, it must be okay to speed. ^_^



Hmm, that's funny, this comment kinda reminds me of this blog post.


- Cee

So does speeding make me any different than how I am on BZP?



The Question is, why are you in the habit of speeding in that area? Respecting the law is important ^_^


Whatever, I wasn't trying to start a fight ;) Iagree, the cop was wrong, but maybe he wasn't the only one?



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Hey look, Omi was speeding and got away with it, it must be okay to speed. ^_^



Hmm, that's funny, this comment kinda reminds me of this blog post.


- Cee

So does speeding make me any different than how I am on BZP?



The Question is, why are you in the habit of speeding in that area? Respecting the law is important ^_^


Whatever, I wasn't trying to start a fight ;) Iagree, the cop was wrong, but maybe he wasn't the only one?



I enjoy letting myself free on the road for a few minutes when they are clear of anything. Feels good after a long, hard weekend.



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