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Rant? Maybe...

Raging Land Squid


There are a lot of things that I hear about on this site that annoy me, confound me, or down right tick me off (I may remake the Rage level Box...), but, I stay. I like this site, and a lot of the elements found here. But, like anyone, there are elements I can stand. What, might you ask, are these elements?


1. Disobeying or slandering of the Admins:


Say what you will, but I have respect for the admins and Mods of this site. I, like any of you, have had my fair share of run-ins with the mods and admins over things I've said, or things done in my blog, that aren't kosher here, but there're somethings you have to take into consideration.


One, this is a site for younger people, seeing as Bionicle is a franchise pointed at younger people. Yes, there are older fans out there, like your's truely, but, a majority of the fanbase is younger. There are rules in place here to protect those younger site-members from other people and themselves.


Two, do you realize how stressful it is to run a site of this size? I myself run a site, and some would say with an iron fist, but that's because if I didn't, things would get out of control. Flame wars, rampant spamming, and things of their ilk destroy sites such as this, so, mods and admins have to keep things under control. If they ever seem too harsh or condecending, think of how much time they put into making sure this site doesn't fall into the oblivion that is fail.


Again, I've had my fair share of ill will towards admins and Mods, but, unlike some members here, I let it go. It's pointless. In my opinion, if you cannot stand the Mods or Admins, leave. Nothing will change from constantly griping about them behind or in front of their backs.


Call me a Moderator-hugger if you will, but that's my opinion.


2. Opinions:


This is something I see a lot too: Flaming or harassment of members by other members because they share different opinions. Why this goes on, I know, but still, it's not a pretty thing to see. My friend WX (Who has an awesome blog) is a target of another member, who will remain nameless, because he shares different opinions than that member. It warms my heart to see people such as this nameless member and Wiki defiler to get torn down by admins.


See, I just stated an opinion that that member should be treated that way because they're a troll. Your opinion may differ, but, again, it's an opinion. If my opinion doesn't match your own, let it go. Constantly ranting and saying "You are wrong" because I don't share your opinion is an instant recipe for fail on your part because you're no longer following a basic rule of life: Everyone is free to their opinion.


If you go around yelling at people and ranting about them because they don't share your opinion, who is the bad guy? You are. By trying to force your opinion on others, you are making yourself look immature. People like that cause problems. Having an opinion is fine. Pushing your opinion on others because to you they're wrong is in itself wrong.


3. Hypocrisy:


I don't post a whole lot here, and there's a reason for that. I don't want to be a hypocrite. I tend to have a terrible temper and be opinionated on cirtain subjects, and as you can see from my first two items, I hate that about other people. One's own worst enemy is themself, if you will. So, I refrain from posting to keep my temper in check and to keep myself from saying something I might regret. I hate the taste of foot, so I prefer to keep mine out of my own mouth. I just wish other members were that thoughtful.


This goes back to that old addage "If you have nothing nice to say, sew your mouth shut", or something to that effect anyways. Seriously, if you're just posting to say that somebody is wrong, or to yell at another member, don't do it. It just makes you look unintellignet (Done on purpose...)


4. Irreverent posts in meaningful topics:


Recently there was a topic in memorium of a member of this site that passed away, and I saw something that horrified me: People either comparing this real person's passing to that of a fictional character like Matoro, or complete dis-interest in some of the other posts. This is appauling, and I can't imagine how people can do something like that.


I myself recently lost someone, and, had I made a topic about that person's passing, and got replies such as "May they rest in peace with Matoro", I'd have left this site at the drop of a hat. That is entirely uncalled for, and disgusts me.




This is just some stuff I had been milling over in the old noggin lately, and had to get off of my chest. Why exactly I did it here I don't know, mainly because no one freakin' reads this blog any more anyways... I'd be suprised if I got more than two replies to this... But, there's all I have to say...


I think this is the longest post I've ever made in this... Strange...


The reletively angry, ranting NerdGod hath spoken...


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*Squirms, then realizes he's probably exempt from

Cthulhu's ranting rage*


Yeah, I agree with you on all of those things.

Seriously, rest in piece with Matoro? Really...

that's like saying rest in piece with... uh... this flea.


C'mon, two replies? I post in here....

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Not really, I'm just a bad writer.


But I quite agree that people just had to "let go." This is the Internet, so one has the freedom to do whatever they want under the rules and regulations of the forums. The unsatisfied has the right to leave, but what blows me away is how they never leave.


And those who don't' understand the difference between what is real and what isn't may wind up becoming suicidal terrorists inspired by a modded video game.

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I'm afraid that I must agree with you on all of your points...


1. Disobeying or slandering of the Admins, I run a forum for an online text-based RPG, I never realized how much work an admin does until I started working on my own site.


2. Opinions, I hate the constant, "No! I'm right, you're wrong," causing me to avoid several forums and withhold posting.


3. Hypocracy, I'm a very contradictory person, I'll say one thing one minute and the opposite the next, again, leading me to not post. Devil's advocate?


4. Irreverent posts in meaningful topics, spam kills all, it is disgusting.



Thank you for saying something about this.

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2. Opinions:


This is something I see a lot too: Flaming or harassment of members by other members because they share different opinions. Why this goes on, I know, but still, it's not a pretty thing to see. My friend WX (Who has an awesome blog) is a target of another member, who will remain nameless, because he shares different opinions than that member. It warms my heart to see people such as this nameless member and Wiki defiler to get torn down by admins.


See, I just stated an opinion that that member should be treated that way because they're a troll. Your opinion may differ, but, again, it's an opinion. If my opinion doesn't match your own, let it go. Constantly ranting and saying "You are wrong" because I don't share your opinion is an instant recipe for fail on your part because you're no longer following a basic rule of life: Everyone is free to their opinion.


If you go around yelling at people and ranting about them because they don't share your opinion, who is the bad guy? You are. By trying to force your opinion on others, you are making yourself look immature. People like that cause problems. Having an opinion is fine. Pushing your opinion on others because to you they're wrong is in itself wrong.

I agree with that with one exception -- the question of whether an opinion can be wrong -- which is why I made this blog entry: Can Opinions Be Wrong? (Basically it depends on what you mean by "opinion" -- one kind can't be wrong, actually, but one kind can.) To me at least, if I actually do have an opinion that's wrong, I want people to show me why, so I can change it -- to me -- to me that's helpful to me. :) (I think you get why I repeated to me -- and hopefully anybody can accept that too.)


But, that's not as important as your point -- that even if we disagree, we can and should still be able to be friends. :) So thanks for saying that! ^_^ I'm planning another entry soon called "Friends can Disagree" on this subject, which is a pretty self-explanatory title I think.


So basically what I would say is intelligent discussion where two friends try to calmly figure out what the truth is ("truth-seeking debate") is fine. But yelling at each other and hating on each other just because we disagree is not fine at all. And if any of us feels that we can't keep our tempers under control even if we are trying just to use "truth-seeking debate", it's better not to post. :)




Also, I appreciate your other comments, especially about respecting staff. Yes, partly because I'm staff, lol -- but it's just a healthier way to live.


I should probably dig up my approval banner, but some might think it would nullify what you said about not being a modhugger. :P (If you would like it though, by all means I'll post it!)


And BTW kudos to Wrinkledlion for linking here.

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Dang... for a blog that barely ever gets any replies, I musta have struck a big chord here... This wasn't intended... I was just venting some things I thought were kinda messed up... Thanks for all the replies, guys.

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If I had an approval thing (Read: Wasn't lazy) You'd be the first to get it.


Prolly the last too.


You rock, keep it up.



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