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Can't They See? Blog Entry By Kopaka

Kallista ~ Little light


She purchased the new version of me the other day,

purely out of her devotion to me because she wasn't sure if she would like the set.


She brought it home and tenderly opened the case so as not to damage or loose anything, then carefully started putting me together.

When it came time to do my head she froze at what she saw what they had done; she struggled to hold back the tears.

I glanced down and was filled with anger; my eyes! They changed the color of my eyes; that was her favorite part about my sets.

She stopped in her tracks and put the unfinished set aside, ashamed and angered at what they had changed,

"Change his mask and his armor, But never change his eyes" was what she said about to cry.

So my new form lays there unfinished on her floor, the pain keeping her from finishing.

Do those busyness bigwigs know what they are doing?

Can't they see?


The pain it caused....


Kopaka Nuva, (from the desk of Ranna)




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Get Pohatu!


Save the Toa, Save the Ranna Girl...


Save the Ranna Girl, Save the World...


[/bad 'Hero' Pun]




^Don't ask.



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At least they kept Lewa's eyes the same color.

Oh, and Ranna, I'm working on a Kopaka Phantoka revamp. I'll show it to you when I'm done. He'll have ice blue eyes again.


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NOT THE EYES!!!!! :tear:

*Spontaniously pulls out three Mammoth tanks, two Avatar walkers, and the remote control for an Ion Cannon*


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Yeah because adaptive armour will really change his eye colour won't it <_<

I'm guessing they've given him orange eyes? It's always orange these days...


They are *gulp*


*starts braking down (almost crying) and starts running away*


Lady Ranna

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Yeah because adaptive armour will really change his eye colour won't it <_<

I'm guessing they've given him orange eyes? It's always orange these days...


They are *gulp*


*starts braking down (almost crying) and starts running away*


Lady Ranna

*pats shoulder*

There there...

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Guest kopakanuva13


*Psst--* Get Nuju, and a Star Wars set that has Luke Skywalker's lightsaber. Switcharoo, blue eyes! I hate the change they made in Kopaka, they could have at least kept his eyes :(

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What?! Oh, now I'm DEFINITELY not getting him, or any Newva... I'm happy with my Gali revamp, and that's all I need for now.


@AA - What manner of uncivilized ribcage is this? All they have is Parcheesi!

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Yeah because adaptive armour will really change his eye colour won't it <_<

I'm guessing they've given him orange eyes? It's always orange these days...


They are *gulp*


*starts braking down (almost crying) and starts running away*


Lady Ranna

Well, they had a perfectly reasonable explanation for making them neon green, IMO. After all, with bad guys and good guys being released at the same time, they have to do something to distinguish who's on what team. What better way than to go back to the 2006 system of lime-for-heroes, orange-for-villains?


It wasn't necessarily a good idea in our eyes, but at least it makes sense. BTW, we have never had a year where it's "always orange."


As for me, I'm satisfied with the yellow-green. I feel you guys are overreacting, though you are entitled to such opinions. Of course, I still find it peculiar as I did in 2006 that the colors for good and evil are the complete opposite of the way the movies (which, on a side note, did have blue for some members of both factions) portrayed them...


Of course, I, too, am hoping for eye colors to return besides yellow-green and orange, but I am not too insistent about what characters get what colors or when we revert to more original colors for the eyes of sets.


And you're right about one thing, TPTI, this does defy storyline explanations no matter how you express them. ;)

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