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It's a good idea to assume that I'm joking.


Even if I'm not, still a good idea. It'll cut down on the number of idiotic comments I have to delete.


And, if you dislike my sense of humour, ignore such entries at demonstrate it.


Humour is a matter of opinion and taste, no matter what Omicron may tell you to the contrary. The staff are not always right.


Thankfully, BZP lack thought police.


Republished ILORN.





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Me too, though I think I'm too serious for my liking. I like to be fun and all. (Seriously.)



Yes, I'm quoting myself.


You republished this entry, and I don't think what I said I would be saying right now in your blog considering current past events.


You need to think a little more....



Or is it simply that I think in a way different from most people that makes what I see as logic seem incorrect to others? But then, I can prove the existence of none but myself, so in the end, how others see me doesn't matter.




Then why do you persist in attempting to invalidate the opinions of others?


Believe it or not, there is such a thing as objective truth. This is evident in the natural law, among other things. I could go on, but since you've clearly set yourself against any differing opinion such an effort would be pointless.

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Me too, though I think I'm too serious for my liking. I like to be fun and all. (Seriously.)



Yes, I'm quoting myself.


You republished this entry, and I don't think what I said I would be saying right now in your blog considering current past events.


You need to think a little more....



Or is it simply that I think in a way different from most people that makes what I see as logic seem incorrect to others? But then, I can prove the existence of none but myself, so in the end, how others see me doesn't matter.




Then why do you persist in attempting to invalidate the opinions of others?


Believe it or not, there is such a thing as objective truth. This is evident in the natural law, among other things. I could go on, but since you've clearly set yourself against any differing opinion joke such an effort would be pointless.

Wrong. The way I see it, he made a joke. He sees this all as a joke, and anyone who disagrees is trying to use his joke to make another joke. So, he's not setting himself against other opinions. He just doesn't want anyone else to butt in on his joke.








Ah, humor, will we ever cease to wonder?


MB has spoken

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Screw you. :)

You guys all talk about stooping to low levels and all that, and then you give a comment like that? :shrugs:

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And herein I reiterate a previously posted point of mine that lulz can be indeed comedic at times, but more often than not they are used to justify ignoring the feelings and rights of others, and one's capacity for being wrong.
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He just doesn't want anyone else to butt in on his joke.

Then he shouldn't have posted it here, where it would disrespect others, and break the rules as well.



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Screw you. :)

You guys all talk about stooping to low levels and all that, and then you give a comment like that? :shrugs:

Two things.


I believe thats what everyone against Ca just wants to say.


and the second...


Its also my opinion that it should be said. :)



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Screw you. :)

You guys all talk about stooping to low levels and all that, and then you give a comment like that? :shrugs:

Two things.


I believe thats what everyone against Ca just wants to say.


and the second...


Its also my opinion that it should be said. :)



He can easily say "screw you all" or some profanity like that, but at least he's keeping an intelligent debate/discussion/whatever with everyone else. And you just come off as "oh im better than you so i can tell you to screw off" with that emote at the end of everything. I'm sure you aren't like that really. I hope.

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but at least he's keeping an intelligent debate/discussion/whatever with everyone else.

I was under the impression that an intelligent debate/discussion/whatever needed maturity, respect, and valid points on both sides?


It may be civil (to a degree), but intelligent it is most surely not.


Sad, really. Because it could be so intelligent if the host would oblige.


But hey, perhaps this is just another matter of opinion.

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I'm laughing at how you guys take everything so seriously. We need a spirit of lightheartedness. (Anybody know wat I'm referring to?)


~Sidorak The Hunter

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What, exactly do you define as intelligent?

Knowing what you are talking, especially when it comes to using "words" to describe people.


I'm laughing at how you guys take everything so seriously. We need a spirit of lightheartedness. (Anybody know wat I'm referring to?)


~Sidorak The Hunter

I am going to call you a Nazi, and I shall be very lighthearted about it, because that is what you want apparently. Cuz that is what this is all about.



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I am going to call you a Nazi, and I shall be very lighthearted about it



That is phrased in a manner which, to me, is considerably humourous.




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I am going to call you a Nazi, and I shall be very lighthearted about it



That is phrased in a manner which, to me, is considerably humourous.




You find that insulting people is hilarious?


Boy you won't get far in life.



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I am going to call you a Nazi, and I shall be very lighthearted about it



That is phrased in a manner which, to me, is considerably humourous.




You find that insulting people is hilarious?


Boy you won't get far in life.



Note how you said "going to", not "I'm calling you". Therefore, it is not insulting, as long as it is not followed by the actual insult.




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I am going to call you a Nazi, and I shall be very lighthearted about it



That is phrased in a manner which, to me, is considerably humourous.




You find that insulting people is hilarious?


Boy you won't get far in life.



Note how you said "going to", not "I'm calling you". Therefore, it is not insulting, as long as it is not followed by the actual insult.




You didn't answer my question.



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You find that insulting people is hilarious?




On occasion, yes. Though I suppose it's best if the person being insulted understands that the insult is for the purpose of humour, which normally means that the insult is not actually meant.




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You find that insulting people is hilarious?




On occasion, yes. Though I suppose it's best if the person being insulted understands that the insult is for the purpose of humour, which normally means that the insult is not actually meant.




Insults and Humor are complete opposites. And no, that isn't my opinion. That is common sense.



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Insults can be funny among friends, in private conversation. It's when you 1) start insulting strangers and/or 2) continue insulting people when you're being offensive and they are telling you to stop, that the joke ends.




EDIT: Locking to prevent further pointless argument.


Humour, people, humour.




I find it funny that you're always talking about opression and stuff, and then you lock the entry to stop people arguing with you.


Conclusion: This is a totalitarian blog.



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