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Dr. Bionicle


Looking for a creative title. Failed.


Well, today was...pretty...boring.


Upon waking up, I looked down at the clock. How lucky, I had woken up just before 6:00. Now I could turn off my alarm and get to eating breakfast.


I switched off my alarm and rolled over into the covers, staying warm for a few minutes before getting up. I rolled over yet again, facing my nightstand, and looked at the clock.


Wait a second...


Were my lacking-of-contacts eyes fooling me or did that say...


...6:59 AM?! I'd read it wrong!


I leapt out of bed, managing to both bang my head on the ceiling and hit the floor like a pancake in the process (I hate living on the top bunk). I dashed to the bathroom, dipped my finger in my contacts case, and put my finger smack-dab against my pupil.




...with no contact.


After finally putting in both my contacts, I poured myself a glass of water and dashed downstairs. I strapped on my headset, activated Skype, and took a big gulp of water.


To my annoyance, only two others were there: my trusty partner and my good student Mr.E.


And no fourth person.


After about a half-hour of waiting, in which I starved myself, we finally started the show without him.


The show was great. The mic quality was the best we've ever had. No echoes or anything. Great.


Of course, there was the teensy weensy detail of audio questions.


Which Spirit and I had apparently forgotten altogther. (Curse you early morning stupidity!)


After that, the day was pretty slow. I trudged upstairs, worn from lack of food, and began to pour myself some good ol' generic wheat flakes. After I had emptied half the sugar bowl on it, I took a big bite.


You could almost hear the fireworks.




Even with that burst of energy, the day was slow. Most of the time I was busy working on my current real-life project, a novel and watching movies with my graduated sister.


At about 4:00 I got on the computer and began writing some of my Epic Contest entry. This thing is turning out way better than I thought it would. I haven't even gotten to the main battle Sanuri has, and she's already dealing out some major ownage.


And that brings me to now.


Writing my blog.


Hey, because I was bored I updated my Relatives section with an...interesting new relative.


Also, you January and Febuary people can thank SPIRIT for your impending doom in the Blogoscope. He made it up...er...I mean...helped me find the answer.


I'm also thinking of adding yet another custom content block.


So...stay tuned.


Or don't.





Dr. Bionicle




Recommended Comments

Lawl: You should try to make a new friend today.


Well, isn't that the best advice there is? :plain:


I only have TWO friends at school. TWO kids out of 500 kids or so!


In fourth grade; I was a crybaby.


In fifth grade; I was ready to defend my reputaion (not tat I have much of one besides being a good and obediant student)


In sixth grade; a little better.


In seventh grade; horrible.


Eighth grade now: I've started off extremely well. But I still have the same two friends I started off with. Does that answer anything about my social life? I'm not very socialble at all at school. :crying:

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